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Elodie pushed the door open into the Wheeler's basement with such force it slammed into the wall behind it, causing Eleven to visibly jump.

"Sorry..." She quickly apologized. The blonde began to pick up the boy's mess so they could go to Will's funeral.

She walked past Eleven and she was wearing a very odd ensemble but she didn't pay much attention. Until she realized it was Eleven. Elodie reversed and looked at the girl on the sofa who was dressing in a bright pink dress with a silver ish white wig.

"What did you do to her?" Elodie hissed at Mike.

"I did nothing!" Mike defended himself.

"Okay then, why were you stealing from Nancy? That's her dress that she wore as a kid!" Elodie sighed. "Look, I don't care, just make sure your ready.." Elodie was already upset at the thought of having to go to a twelve year olds funeral but the fact she had to try not to cry was worse.


There was a string breeze and Elodie pulled her long, ankle length, black cardigan over her body fit dress. Elodie struggled walking in converse every single day let alone wearing high heels. Will would of found it funny though.

She had been rather taken aback to see Lonnie there, and skillfully made sure that her mom went nowhere near him just in case, clutching the yellow rose as she stood behind Dustin and Mike, Will at her sides, with Mel on her right, throwing the rose over the closed casket. Her mother stood behind her, with her hand on Elodie's shoulder.

"Just wait till we tell Will that Jennifer Hayes was crying at his funeral" Dustin mumbled. Both Elodie and Mrs Wheeler, nudged the boys to be quiet.

Elodie didn't often show any kind of sadness yet today, she just couldn't help it.


A few days after the funeral, Elodie was out and about in downtown Hawkins. She had just parked up her car so her sister could come and collect it later but was distracted by a added extra in the cinema sign. Clearly, she wasn't the first person who had seen the sign. The person who it was aimed at, Nancy Wheeler, was staring directly at the same sign as Elodie and Nancy's new acquaintance, Jonathan. Red spray painted words read, 'Nancy the slut Wheeler.' From around the corner, the three heard a rattle of spray paint cans. Before Elodie or Jonathan could say something to comfort Nancy, she was already stomping towards the alleyway. Elodie immediately ran after her, picking up the ends of her cardigan.

"Aw, hey there, princess!" Carol taunted.

"Uh oh, she looks upset" Tommy mumbled.

Elodie glared at Tommy. That was then Nancy's hand collided with Steve's face.

"Oh damn" echoed through everyone.

"What is wrong with you?" Nancy snapped at Steve.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?" Steve rhetorically questioned. "I was worried about you" Elodie heard a crack in his voice.

"I can't believe that I was actually worried about you." Steve scoffed.

"What are you talking about?" Nancy questioned.

"I wouldn't lie if I were you" Carol stupidly advised. "You wouldn't want to be known as the lying slut now, do you?"

"Speak of the devil" Tommy spoke as he jumped down off a crate.

Nancy had to think about what an earth Steve was going on about.

"You came by last night."

"Ding! ding! ding! Does she get a prize?" Tommy asked sarcastically.

"Look, I don't know what you think you saw but it wasn't like that"

"What, you just let him into your room to.... Study?" Steve asked. "Or for another pervy photo session?" Everyone around Steve started laughing, except from Elodie, Jonathan and obviously, Nancy.

"We were just-''

"You were just what?" Steve cut off. "Finish the sentence."

Elodie could tell Nancy had no words. Nancy couldn't say what she wanted to say without being the victim.

"Go to hell, Nancy" Steve scoffed as he turned away.

"Come on Nancy, let's just leave" Jonathan said as he begun to drag Nancy away. That's when Steve began to retaliate.

"You know what Byers? I'm actually kind of impressed" Steve started as he pushed Jonathan. "I always took you for a queer, but I guess you're just a little screw up like your father."

That's when things were about to get heated.

"Steve..." Elodie mumbled.

"Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that house is full of screw ups. You know, I guess I shouldn't really be surprised, a bunch of screw ups in your family."

"Jonathan, leave it" Nancy mumbled.

"I mean, your mom. I'm not even surprised what happened to your brother..."

"Steve shut up!" Nancy snapped.

"I'm sorry I have to be the one to tell you but the Byers, their family, it's a disgrace to the entire..." Steve wasn't able to finish his taunting because Jonathan's fist collided with Steve's cheek.

There was several mixed reactions. There was Nancy shitting herself, Tommy egging the pair on, and for once, Carol was telling them to cut it out. Elodie never had anything against Carol, they were both always nice to eachother. Elodie could say the same thing about Nicole, who was also there. Elodie wanted to do something but couldn't. Her feet were glued to the floor. In the distance, the blonde heard sirens. Police sirens at that.

"Cops, come on!" Tommy yelled.

Elodie's mom also happened to be a sheriff in Hawkins. And today, was her shift. Elodie was dead meat.

NOTE: cute lil moment there 😍

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