008- are you 22 or something?

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"Do you have to drive us to school every single day Lani?" Mike complained. "We have arms and legs, you know?"

"Yes, and I have ten fingers all together and two ankles, your point is?" Elodie said as she moved her freshly cut curtain bangs out of her face slightly.

"Oh please! Halloween is tomorrow and..." Dustin started.

"I could leave you in the forest to walk to school" Elodie shrugged.

"No!" The four boys said collectively.

"Great! Now let's stop criticizing my driving and you do whatever you want."


After, what seemed like ages, they arrived at school. Almost immediately, the boys thanked her and ran off.

"Bye then, don't trip on the stairs on the way in" she said unenthusiastically, sarcasm was laced in her voice.

She tapped the steering wheel and pulled the key out the ignition. In the distance she heard a loud reving of a engine and several strong corners being turned.  Around the corner, a blue car came speeding into the school and flew into a car parking spot. A ginger girl came out of the car and went off on her skateboard, ignoring the person who was speaking to her. Not long later, a boy who looked Elodie's age, got out the car too with an ugly pair of sunglasses on. He wore a denim jacket and matching skinny denim jeans. The first words that came to Elodie's mind was 'ew'.

"Hey Elodie, I'ma need you to give extra backup at the pumpkin patch" Hoppers voice said as it echoed through the spare walkie talkie she had brought.

Ever since her mother had took maternity leave, Elodie had been helping out. And by helping out, she meant essentially doing her mums job as officer, alongside hopper. Being too distracted, like everyone else was about the new kid, she didn't hear hopper on the talkie till he repeated it again.

"Elodie. Backup at the pumpkin patch"

Elodie picked up the walkie. "Right, right uh yes, I'm, I'm on my way"

She got in her car and was about to drive off. That was until Tina decided to come over. Winding down her window, she put on a fake smile.

"Hey, I just wanted to give you this. Oh yeah, and have you seen the new guy?" She said as she handed Elodie a orange leaflet with a party invite.

"Uhm yeah, what's his name?" Elodie said, uninterested.

"Think it's Billy or something, but he's hella hot though, don't you think? I mean we've both had our fair share of men haven't we?"

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