005- oh simple thing

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Will Byers was dead and Elodie couldn't do anything to help it

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Will Byers was dead and Elodie couldn't do anything to help it.

Elodie spent the whole of chemistry sat with her head on the desk. Words couldn't describe her heartache towards the young Byers boy. Elodie had always liked looking after Will at lunchtimes on a Saturday. Playing Dungeons and Dragons, reading comics and watching him perform his 'will the wise' act.

"Elodie Carter? Nancy Wheeler?" The headteacher asked. "Could you please come with me?"

The blonde lifted her head with mascara stained cheeks. Both girls avoided the gazes of the students around them. Elodie didn't even look at her best friend. She pulled the sleeves of her hoodie over her hands and put her books in her bag. The blonde followed Nancy out into the hallway, heading down the corridors silently until they came to the empty cafeteria, which had been cleaned since lunch, and the pace they had been walking at slowed significantly.

"Mama?" Elodie asked, resisting the urge to shrug Principal Murphy's hand off of her shoulder as she ushered them along, eyes sliding over to the two police officers sat on the other side of the table from both Mrs Carter and Mrs Wheeler.

"Officer Powell, Officer Callahan, good to see you again." Principal Murphy said uncomfortably.

"Good?" Callahan raised his eyebrows. He turned his attention to the two girls. "I think you both know why we're here, and it isn't that 'good'.

"can you give me your version events of the night?" Officer Powell asked, turning towards the Carter girl first. "How did you begin your night?"

"I was helping Mike, Dustin and Lucas with some science thing they had begun to take their mind off of Will's disappearance." Elodie began. "I ate dinner... then I went with Nancy, Barb and Dior, to Steve's house. He had invited us earlier that day, and we didn't want Nancy to feel awkward around Tommy and Carol.. so we went. We were just going to drop her off, but changed our minds. And Nancy told us last night that Barb hurt her finger."

Callahan pointed his pen down at his notepad. "When they were jumping in the pool. What were you doing when this happened?"

"I went inside with Barb and helped her bandage up her finger. She ran it under cold water to clear away the blood so I could get a proper look at it... I know some first aid, so then I cleaned the cut.. and put a bandage on it. Barb was worried she would need stitches - she wasn't good with things like that, terrified of it really." Elodie swallowed, twisting her ring around her finger. It wasn't necessarily true but no way was she telling anyone about Steve's named beer.

"Then what happened?"

"She needed some time to compose herself, so I left the bathroom just when the others were coming in to dry off" She continued.

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