003- call it what you want

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The next day, Elodie spent the day at home throwing up. It wasn't how she was planning her Wednesday morning  but she didn't have much choice. If she got up she would throw up. If she moved to get in a comfortable position, she would throw up. Mel was also off for the day for study leave so that was a plus for Elodie. Elodie's walkie talkie was sat on the table just in case the kids wanted to contact her.

Surprisingly, Elodie was able to move without throwing up for the first time in at least an hour. From behind her, Mel flopped a cold, wet, towel on the blonde's forehead.

"So did you have fun last night?" Mel asked as she flopped on the chair next to the sofa.

She put her foot on the coffee table and put a can of coke to her lips.

"Huh? Yeah, I had fun studying with Dior" Elodie said.

"Don't suppose you got drunk whilst studying did you?" Mel asked. Elodie looked at her sister. "Look, I've been in the same position as you, tell me what happened!" She said excitedly as she straightened her back.

"Well, me and Dior were invited to a party, and yes I know there's a curfew, but it was hardly a party-"

"Hey Lani? You there?" The walkie talkie buzzed.

Elodie looked at her sister pleadingly and Mel rolled her eyes and passed the blonde the walkie.

"What do you want now kiddo?" Elodie asked with a sore throat.

"Just give me it-" another voice came. "hey Elodie, do you know where Barb is, I mean have you seen her?" Nancy asked.

Elodie rubbed her forehead. "Uh no. She was still in the bathroom when we left. Besides, I'm not even in toda-"

"Great thanks" Nancy said hurriedly and assumingly passed the walkie back to her younger brother.

"Your not in today?" Mike's sad voice echoed.

"Look I'm sorry but, I've been throwing up all night" The blonde apologized.

"We'll bring some comics 'round later! Get well soon!"

Before Elodie could say thank you Mike had already turned off the walkie.


Elodie had been sleeping since lunch but she was awoken by a surprise visit from Nancy. She had placed a few flowers she had collected in the vase on the table.

"How've you been?" She asked the blonde.

"I feel like I've been thrown into a wall four times, apart from that, I feel great" Elodie mumbled.

"Hey, look, today something happened before trials and it involves you..." Nancy grabbed the bag that she had leant against the coffee table.

Inside her bag was several different pictures that looked a lot like Polaroids just bigger. Elodie gently sat up with her blanket wrapped around her and took the pictures Nancy offered her. The pictures consisted of the events of the 'party' yesterday evening. The first one the blonde looked at was Tommy and Carol laughing with eachother. The second one was everyone in the pool and the third one was of Elodie celebrating after she had chugged the can of coke. One of the photos which disgusted Elodie the most was of Nancy in her bra by Steve's window. Elodie had to double check all the photos twice, she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"What the actual fuck is this shit?" Elodie complained. "Who took them" she demanded.

"Jonathan Byers" Nancy hesitated.

"Isn't that Will Byers' brother?" Elodie asked.

Nancy nodded.

"This is horrible, truly horrible" the blonde has no words.

"Steve smashed his camera as payback I guess..." Nancy mumbled.

"I understand that it is the most pervy thing to do but you don't break something that gives them happiness. Especially if someone who you love is missing. What else happened?" Elodie said sadly.

"The others ripped up the photos but I managed to get these ones" Nancy says, pointing at the photos that Elodie had in her hands.

Elodie heard the door open and she looked at the clock. It was probably the kids coming around. She pushed the pictures back to Nancy and thanked her for telling her about the photos. Elodie advised her to got through the back door to avoid getting caught by her brother. Around the doorway, the not so happy faces of Mike, Dustin and Lucas came around.

"We brought you the comics..."

NOTE: some exciting things are happening next!!

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