007- license to kill

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Elodie luckily escaped an encounter with her mum, she was probably working with Hopper and Joyce

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Elodie luckily escaped an encounter with her mum, she was probably working with Hopper and Joyce. But if the Carter girl was spotted in the fight, she would of been in trouble. Elodie wrapped her cardigan around herself as she walked back into downtown. Back at the cinema, she spotted someone on a bright red ladder, cleaning the sign. It was Steve.

"You might need some more soapy water, do you want me to get some?" Elodie called up to him.

He turned around to see who was offering to help.

"Eloise?" He asked.

"It's Elodie" she stopped arguing with him at this point.

"Elodie, right. Anyways, why do you want to help?" Steve asked, probably not meaning to come across rude.

"You deserve this"

Steve rolled his eyes and turned back to get the paint off the sign.

"I didn't mean it like that." She reasoned.

"Please, enlighten me" he deadpanned.

"Your an ass.." Steve rolled his eyes again. "But when your not with those lot, your quite sweet"

"So, you suggest I should have no friends and be lonely like Byers?"

"Steve!" Elodie scolded.

"Alright alright, maybe I was a bit out of line, but he deserved it."

"You encouraged him!" Elodie sighed. "Look, I'm not here to tell you what to do but, what your doing here, it's really good of you." She gave him a final smile and started to walk off.

"Hey Elodie?" Steve had actually turned around to look at the blonde. "Do you mind staying for a bit? For company?"

Elodie nodded.

"As friends." He double checked.

"As friends"

That's something Elodie never thought would say.

Elodie Carter was friends with Steve Harrington, the local douche.


Hours passed and Elodie was pretty sure she had fell asleep watching Steve clean the sign. Every, 'are you done yet' or 'you missed a spot's wasn't a very encouraging motivation for Steve.

"Do you think I should apologize?" Steve asked quietly.

"Up to you" Elodie shrugged.

"I thought your meant to be helpful" He groaned.

"Fine, go talk to her, if that's what you really want, whatever helps you sleep at night, I guess" Steve climbed down from the ladder and stood in front of Elodie.

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