427 18 8

tw: allusions to SA in this chapter, read at your own risk

"huh, a girl? i won't take you just yet." the man muttered, lust darkening his eyes. dasom could feel herself begin to tremble in fear, slowly sitting up from the couch.

the man's eyes follow hers as he plays with his lip ring, moving it with his tongue. a smirk grows on his face, he reaches forward and roughly grabs her chin, examining her face with a dark glint in his eyes, "what will i do with you?"

"l-listen..." she stammered, adverting her gaze from him, "i'm sure we can work something out, d-do you need supplies? we've got some." despite trying to remain cool and collected, she could feel her bottom lip quivering and her eyes tearing up. she may have been chased by numerous monsters, but this was hands down the most terrifying thing she's experienced. her life was in the hands of this man who had sick intentions, he could easily kill her and do what he wants without even breaking a sweat.

"oh, you sweet, dumb girl..." he chuckled, his dirty, rough hands petting her hair from her face, "we've already got what we want, i'm simply giving myself a reward."

closing her eyes tightly, she felt a few tears slip from her eyes now. a part of her hoped he'd just pull the trigger and put her out of her misery, all while hoping anyone would walk by and help her. deep down, she knew that wouldn't happen, she had only herself to rely on.

she scanned the room, hoping to find anything to help her since she no longer had her bat anymore. i'll just have to run for it.

she stands up from the couch cautiously before bolting for the door. however, she doesn't make it far before she's pulled back by her hair and slammed onto the concrete. she groans as she tumbles onto the ground, feeling the air get knocked out of her lungs from the contact. he laughs menacingly above her, dropping down to straddle her waist, entrapping her.

his legs are on either side of her waist, his gun still tightly clenched in his hand. he sets it down next to her head as his chuckles subside, that same dark glint resting in his brown eyes. his hands reach down for the jacket, hyunsoo's jacket, as he slowly unzips it like she was some prize for his pleasure.

he leans his head down to hers, wanting nothing more than to feel her soft lip's against his own. he closes his eyes, inching his lip's towards hers, until he feels nothing but burning pain. his eyes shoot open as he leans back with a scream, clutching his split, bloody lip. dasom spits out the piercing she had ripped off him with her teeth before using her legs to kick him off her, sending him flying back and into a nearby glass display.

glass shatters everywhere as he wails in pain. tiny drops of blood coated the floor, filling his mouth with the metallic taste, "you fucking bitch! i'll kill you!" he roared, hand covering his bleeding lip while his other hand pulled at the glass that happened to break through his skin.

she wasted no time bolting out of the room and down the hall, long away from his sight. he staggered up to his feet, grumbling while walking back to where they had drove through the wall, "what the hell happened to you, gyungho?"

he eyes the rest of dasom's group sitting in the red circle, one already dead a few feet away, "that fucking prick! she ripped my piercing out and threw me into glass! i just wanted some quick fun, and this is how i'm treated!"

hyunsu's eyes widened. he turns over to eunhyuk who had the same idea in his mind. jisu was too injured to do something like that, yikyung would've ended up killing the guys already, and the only other girl that wasn't being held hostage was dasom. hyunsu physically felt his blood turn cold. he wanted nothing more than to get up and run to her rescue, he wanted to hurt the guy who even tried to lay his hands on her.

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