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holding an ice pack to her upper back, she can't help but sneakily glance at hyunsu. he was different now, like a robot almost. he stares down at him phone before turning it off and staring off into the space in front of him. he had no emotion, no memory of anything that had happened this whole time.

she turned around, leaning against the wall. she thought back to everything, trying to find the good memories to block out how he had been this past day. she closes her eyes, sighing quietly.

"i know now tomorrow isn't guaranteed, but i want to go to the beach. just one last time before i die. maybe i'll even bring you along so you can experience it." she smiled, "maybe you'll get chased by seagulls like i did." she teased.

she leans her head on his shoulder and sighs, "thank you, hyunsoo. i really needed that."

she would've been crying right now, had she not used up all her tears. she went from saving him, to becoming friends, having romance, hating each other, and now back to strangers. it hurt her heart.

"you're right. i do like you, kang dasom." he mumbled, leaning his head carefully on top of hers and closing his own eyes, "i like you, so much..."

she had to leave after that, not bearing to see him like that anymore. she walks down the hall to another empty room, collapsing once she enters. she began to sob into her hands quietly, shoulders shaking as she sniffled. she leans her back against the wall, not caring about the pain. she pulls her knees to her chest, resting her forehead against them.

"dasom..." eunyu muttered, entering the room to sit next to her.

"maybe it's for the better, y'know?" she sniffles, turning to face eunyu, "at least now, he won't remember the pain he went through."

"i might sound selfish, but... him not remembering anything," she croaked, "it'll be easier to let him go."

"it may not have seemed like it towards the end..." eunyu started, "but he did care about you. everyone could tell."

she nodded sadly, wiping her tears, "it's stupid. i shouldn't be crying over something i didn't have."

"you're allowed to have feelings." eunyu groaned, "you don't always have to act tough. you're allowed to feel upset about this."

she was right. despite dasom trying to keep her emotions at bay, the tears flowed out of her like a river now. it made her realize she was mourning a person who wasn't even dead, just a shell of the person they used to be.

eunyu stayed by her side the entire time, letting her sort things out internally, but offering her shoulder in support. an unlikely pair they were, something dasom had never imagined would come of this forsaken apocalypse.

despite her pain, dasom helped eunhyuk carry the bodies into their graves. it was disorienting to see how small their group was now compared to two days ago.

she moved to the side, letting the heartbroken hyein move to close byeongil's lifeless eyes. normally, something like this would've hurt her heart to witness, but she was just numb now. this was becoming the new "normal" to her.

she sighed, holding her own hands together as she watched the scene in front of her unfold. she did care, really, but a part of her didn't. she felt bad for feeling that way, but losing someone get so mundane to her now, like it was an average thing, not something to cry over.

she only cleared her thoughts when yikyung had stopped digging, tapping something metal on the floor with the shovel making a distinct pang sound. curiously, she stepped forward to observe, eunhyuk close on her steps.

they both hunched over, watching yikyung swipe the dirt away for a metal trap door. dasom's eyes widened, now moving to help her open the door with astonishment. "what's this?" seungwan asked from over her shoulder. she turned her head to look at gilseob, a small, solemn smile gracing her. his one dying wish to find those tunnels.

"gilseob found it in the end." she mumbled, yikyung glancing over to her.

"now, you can rest in peace." eunhyuk added, looking back at her.

"it's snowing!" yeongsu spoke up, his childlike excitement making everyone look up at the holes in the foundation. small snowflakes adorned dasom's black hair, adding a graceful contrast to how she felt. eunhyuk glanced back down at her, a warm feeling in his chest.

she watched the snowflakes fall into her palms, the small, white crystals stained red. only another reminder, dasom thought. she dusted her hands off on her jeans, exiting their impromptu funeral. eunhyuk sent a glance eunyu's way, making her nod and follow her.

that whole night, eunyu was sticking to dasom like glue. she kept trying to distract her mind as the night dwelled on, talking about anything and everything, and definitely keeping her away from the room hyunsu was in.

everyone, what was left of the group, stayed huddled together in a small room. no words were spoken, just the sound of the crackling fire could be heard. dasom sat in a small fold out chair, knees pulled to her chest to provide some more warmth as she twiddled the the gold charm around her neck.

"you're all surrounded! surrender the infected immediately!"

she jumped at the loud, booming voice, confusion written on her face. carefully standing up, she walked over to the window, peeking herself. dozens of military personnel surrounded them, guns drawn. she gasped, stepping back from the window on staggered feet.

"survivors will be transferred to a shelter immediately!"

the statement alone made jaehwan jump to his feet, pulling dasom away from the window eagerly to look out. she stumbled back, wincing slightly as she glared at him and his weird behavior. eunhyuk jumped from his seat and sped down the hall, another odd behavior?

she sat back down on her chair next to eunyu, making her sit up, "how's your back?" she mumbled quietly.

"pulverized." dasom scoffed, rubbing her neck in order to relieve the tension migrating into her spine. though she hasn't looked, she knew with no doubt there was a nasty purple bruise painted on her tan skin, more than likely a big one based on how tender it felt. she was forever grateful that asshole didn't break her spine.

the sound of pattering feet made her look up, her face softened at him. this made eunyu on full alert, holding dasom's sleeve gently. tears pricked at dasom's eyes, that empty shell of the person she cared for so deeply staggered into the room. she forced herself to look away, not bearing seeing him in his emotionless state.

yeongsu quickly approached his side, he had no idea hyunsu wasn't the same anymore, "are you going somewhere?" he asked, his big eyes boring into hyunsu, "hyunsu, your hands are cold. are you cold?" he mumbled softly.

he took off his scarf and wrapped it snugly around his hands, the sweet gesture brought tears to her eyes, "i have to go outside." he mumbled in response.

"it's not cold if we stay together." yeongsu added.

she sighed, clearing her throat, "stay here." she croaked, making eunyu's head turn to look at her, "stay with us."

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