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she shrieked loudly, hopping off the long dead body of the bandit and defensively held the glass shard, swinging it in any direction she could, blinded by her own tears. whoever this was was way strong than her, but still gentle with her in her fragile state of mind.

"dasom!" sangwook asserted himself, gently holding one of her wrists and the other on her good shoulder as he tried desperately to break her out of her fight or flight mentality she was suffering in. she finally looked at him with scared, wide eyes, finally dropping the glass shard as it collided with the concrete with a clank, "it's just me." he muttered.

"i— i killed him." she whimpered, "i'm a murderer." she roughly wiped the blood on her face with the back of her hand, only smudging and adding more to her. she had no idea if it was his or her own.

"no." he interrupted, forcing her to look at him, "don't think that. you did what you had to do. it's not your fault, you didn't do anything wrong." he didn't know why he was attempting to comfort her, considering he hardly knew her. he knew of her abrasive, sarcastic nature, always giving a quick quip and snapping at people when she knew something was wrong, but seeing that once cocky, collected girl crumble before him because she did the right thing was enough for even him to feel sympathy for her.

"that asshole wasn't human, so don't think for a second you're in the wrong." he added, helping her to her feet.

"we need to go, okay?" she nodded her head, finally catching her breath after hyperventilating for the past few minutes. he walks over to where the discarded handgun was and handed it to dasom, "it's yours now."

"i... don't know if i can use this. i don't know how to shoot, and it feels wrong to use the gun of someone i killed." she whispered, staring down at the small pistol in her hand.

"don't worry about that now, none of that matters anymore." he mumbles, holding up his own machine gun. the briskly exit the room, seeing two of the criminals down the hall, "we'll ambush them, okay?"

she nods hesitantly. she didn't want to kill anyone else, but if it meant she would keep the people she cared about safe, she'd do it. she checks the barrel of the gun, 3 bullets left. she sighed, closing it with a click and keeping her finger hovered over the trigger.

they make their way down the hall quietly, practically walking on their tiptoes. dasom and sangwook approached two of the criminals, their guns held to their eye level. the bandits look at them, their hands hesitantly raised. they look at sangwook's demeanor and the blood coating dasom's skin and begin to back up, only until they see his safety is on.

"hey." one speaks up, "you don't know how to use that, do you?" dasom's quick to point her gun at his face, making him look directly at her blood splattered face.

"no, i didn't serve in the military." sangwook muttered.

"you asshole..." dasom knew the signal to move out of the way once he swung the gun at his face, it collided with his face in a sickening crunch sound, more than likely breaking his jaw and nose. she watches as he tries to get up before she sends her foot stomping down onto his face, knocking him out cold, and maybe possibly killing him.

he pins the other bandit to the wall with the gun, only to be launched away. the other scurries to his feet, ready to swing the hatchet until an arm wraps around his neck.

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