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It was almost 5pm, and I was busy rushing to meet up. The girls just sat there watching me and complaining about how the professor was being excessive.

"Being late to the very first class shouldn't be this serious". Hadley said as they all watched me panic.

Truth was, I didn't know what my punishment consisted, who could tell why that rude, power obsessed Prof has planned for me.

"If he is that young, maybe, just maybe he needs to be extra strict for students to respect him". Hazel said in his defense.

The other girls and I glared at her almost at the same time which made her immediately go quiet.

This wasn't being strict, it was just him getting back at me for yesterday.

"If only I had known he was my professor, I wouldn't have said the things I said yesterday". I muttered.

Yesterday came flooding back through my head and I couldn't believe I did that. He must have been so happy to see me walk in his class this morning, taking it as an opportunity to get back at me.

The girls were surprised to hear this story and kind of gave me that look that screamed I was in a hot mess.

"Girl, that man is out to get you". Whitney stated, her tiny, high-pitched voice spilling the truth.

"Or maybe he just hates lateness". Hazel commented. We all glared at her!

"Just go, it might not be as bad as you think though". She immediately added before wed skin her alive.

Well.... Maybe! Maybe it's not as bad as it seems and I was just overreacting.

"I'd say that man is going to make life difficult for you". Hadley said, as if things weren't bad enough.

"You know what? I'm out of here! Whatever comes comes". I said hoping on the best and left.

I could hear Whitney yell "Good luck girl". As I walked out.

It wasn't a long walk to the art studio, it was exactly 5:01 pm when I got there and he was there already.

It was my first time entering the art studio and it was rather very big and beautiful, except there were tons of papers playing around, paints, brushes, and more. Looked like whoever it was that used here last just had to leave it in a mess.

"Welcome Miss. Norman". He said, staring at his wrist watch, he frowned. "Late again". He scolded.

I rolled my eyes hoping he doesn't catch it, I was just a minute late and he was making an issue out of it.

"I need you to get this place all ready for tomorrow's class". He ordered, his eyes focused on mine as he held eye contact with so much confidence.

He had the power and he knew it, he wasn't hesitant to use it either. I felt rather small before him as I looked around the studio one more time wondering if this was a one person job.

"Uhm... Sir, are you perhaps..." I trailed off wondering how to put it, biting my lips nervously, I finally finished "perhaps going to help out?"

A smirk appeared on his face and I immediately knew what that meant, this really was a punishment.

"I suggest you get started soon enough". He told me, picking up a rolled piece from the table, he headed for the door leaving me to face my problems.

It was a good thing I was wearing a pair of joggers and a crop top, I had an oversized plaid shirt over my top but I had now removed it and tied around my waist. I rolled my brown hair into a messy bun and wondered where to start from.

Starting from picking the blank papers scattered of the floor, I moved to arranging paintings that laid around. As I moved around, I hissed several times hating this.

He could have punished me some other ways, this studio was just to huge to clean alone.

There were easels piled over eachother, some were just carelessly laying around. I began raising and moving them to a corner of the studio, not exactly sure where they should be. As I moved an easel, it happened to hit a can of paint making it pour on the floor while I fell face flat on the easel I was carrying.

A good thing was that I didn't fall over the spilled paint, the easel was in the paint but there was no canvas on it but still, I'd have to clean up the paint.

"Why the hell are you never on your feet?" The voice I heard made me shiver as I rushed up to my feet.

I turned around to see him fuming as he watched the paint that continued pouring and spreading on the floor. I quickly raised the can of paint and looked up to see his expression.

He looked like he could kill me as he kept glaring.

"Ain't you going to start cleaning it up? How come you never do anything right!" He kept yelling at me as I looked around for what to clean up with.

I was confused, he was mad and we both just stood there watching the paint spread even more. He hissed and stormed off while I kept asking myself if things could get any worse.

While I was busy wondering what to do, he came back with two mops and a bucket of water. He handed one over to me while he held onto one.

He took off his wristwatch and pulled the sleeve of his shirt. I couldn't help but stare at his arms as he pulled up his shirt. He looked so damn hot in action.

I shook my head, reminding myself that the hot stuff was my lecturer and I couldn't have such thoughts.

"Would you start cleaning or would you rather drool?" He asked me, beaming with confidence.

"Oh please". I spluttered, embarrassed at being caught. "I wouldn't drool over you".

He smirked the second time that day as he began cleaning up. "I guess we'd have to find out later, right now, get cleaning".

Later? What later? I wasn't sure what he meant but following his lead, I began cleaning the paint off the floor.

It took us quite a while but we finally finished, both of us exhausted from all the work. He helped with the rest of the arranging.

By the time we were done, the studio was squeaky clean and pretty. The easels were arranged in a circle with a podium standing right in the middle. In front of the easels were stools and right beside it were small tables where we arranged palettes and brush sets.

I sighed heavily, finally feeling relieved but tired. He was busy putting his watch back and rolling down his sleeves while I stretched.

"Damn! I'm hungry". I mumbled.

He looked back at me, a smile playing on his lips. Did he hear me?

"I know a nice restaurant outside the campus, I should treat you". He suggested.

I stood there dumbfounded like he wasn't that rude man I met yesterday, or the professor who had me clean up a whole studio just for arriving late to class.

"Uhm, that's too great a gesture sir...." I hesitated. "Coming from you I mean".

He raised a brow as he stared at me. "Meaning?"

"Meaning I would like to but...."

"Great then, let's go!"

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