03 Far, Far and Away

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Entry Three: Home

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The bright and grassy landscape of Themyscira causes Nirvana Prince to squint uncomfortably. Diana announces they have arrived on the island, preparing to land the Invisible Jet as Nirvana forgets that it is not Washington D.C. anymore. Instead of the glass skyscrapers that filled the city, it was filled with buildings and statues made of limestone as each statue represented the goddesses that built the island as a sanctuary for the Amazons; along with their designated temples.

The familiarity does not excite Nirvana in any way, but rather nauseous, causing Diana to be the first and spot her mother: Queen Hippolyta.

Comparing the Queen and Princess side-by-side makes her realize they look identical. She looks at the two from her seat at the jet. Hippolyta's dressed in her royal blue garbs, the chiton being quite loose as it had a cape, complimenting her black hair and the gold headdress. Then, Nirvana disembarks the vehicle, joining the royal mother and daughter duo as she realizes she blends in.

If she could play the role well enough, she could pass for the Queen's daughter. It would not be the first time that she's called Diana's sister when the news headlines allude that Wonder Woman and her sidekick are sisters due to their striking appearance.

Nirvana feels small when she looks up at Hippolyta, as she stands tall with a commanding presence until she turns to Diana. She quietly listened while they spoke in Themysciran—a language that Nirvana could not speak but faintly understood since all she had been taught was Ancient Greek through her mother. Subconsciously, she fiddles with her thumbs, trying to keep up by picking on familiar words or terms. "You've grown." The Queen says in Greek, causing her to do a double take from the sudden switch of language.

"Time moves quicker there." Nirvana curtly replied with a nod.

Hippolyta cracks a smile, "Don't be so uptight, dear niece."

"Well, how have they been treating you?" She emphasizes, gesturing for the two to walk with her, while Diana mutters something in Themysciran. Nirvana assumes it was about the slightly condescending tone that Hippolyta used since it flew over her head, quickly glancing at Diana. "They have been treating her well, mother." Her cousin answers while Hippolyta shakes her head.

"Let her answer," she says, leading them to the island, while the young royal tries to wrap her head around recent events. She isn't completely sure what to disclose to her aunt; the Queen. So, she speaks about everything in kind words, she speaks of Diana letting her join a team, then how she and the team are on the verge of being friends despite her putting them at arms-length. However, she talks with a small smile on her face, the corners of her lip turned upwards.

"You joined a team your age? Correct?" Hippolyta questioned as she nodded. "Well, you have quite old allies,"

"I am considered a teenager, Aunt Hippolyta."

The Queen chuckles, "I am well aware. Diana had said so."

Upon entering the city, they are greeted by Amazons doing their daily routines, working around the gardens or riding on horses as they go from one place to another. With occasional waves, Nirvana begins to feel her heart try and beat out of her chest. The anxious feeling kicks in as she realizes Hippolyta is leading them to the palace, the place she once called home during her younger teenage years.

She watches as Amazons roam around the places she and her mother used to frequent, feeling lost without her mother as she mindlessly follows her maternal family. It was a stupid and useless feeling, her mother would say something like that if she were around. Nirvana knows her mother and the Queen were not on the best terms and it would explain why neither Diana nor Hippolyta mentioned anything about her mother.

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