02 Four Heroes and a Clone

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Entry Two: We Should've Listened Pt. 2

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It was times like these that Wonder Girl felt powerless. For the most part, she never dreams when she closes her eyes, yet, she hears a voice itching her brain to wake up. Shifting uncomfortably as she groaned, hearing the voice grow louder when she opened her eyes like she'd been drowning. Snapping awake, she finds Superboy in the center of the room before she attempts to move her limbs she looks up to see her arms and legs restrained.

"What— what do you want?" Kid asks, raising his voice, "Quit staring. You're creeping me out."

"Uh, KF, how about we not tick off the guy who can fry us with a look?" Robin advises, trying to calm Kid Flash's nerves. "We only sought to help you." Superboy telepathically speaks as Wonder Girl winces, "Yeah. We free you, and you turn on us. How's that for grati–" Kid tries to say before Aqualad cuts him off, telling him to stay quiet. "I believe our new friend was not in full control of his actions." He adds.

"Wha— what if I... What if I wasn't?" Superboy wonders aloud, her eyes widening at the realization that the clone could speak, "He can talk?" Kid questions before the clone replies, "Yes, he can."

The speedster looks at the other heroes as Wonder Girl shakes her head, "Not like I said, it." He emphasizes, "Maybe we can help you," she wondered, looking over to Aqualad before shrugging at her idea. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves Wonder Girl." He calmly states, "The Genomorphs taught you telepathically."

"They taught me much. I can read, write. I— I know the names of things." Superboy says, "But have you seen them? Have they ever let you see the sky? Or the sun?" Robin asks with a concerned tone, "Images are implants in my mind, but no." The clone mutters, "I have not seen them."

"Do you know what you are, who you are?" Aqualad questioned.

"I am the Superboy, a Genomorph, a clone made from the DNA of the Superman created to replace him should he perish... to destroy him should he turn from the light." He says in a monotone voice. The four restrained heroes fall quiet for a moment, "That's... a lot." She comments under her breath, "To be like Superman is a worthy aspiration. But like Superman, you deserve a life of your own beyond that solar suit, beyond your pod, beyond Cadmus." The Atlantean says, trying to change Superboy's choices, ones that Cadmus never offered.

"I live because of Cadmus! It is my home!" Superboy angrily exclaims. "Your home is a test tube. We can show you the sun." Robin suggests, "I'm pretty sure it's after midnight," Kid Flash quickly says, "But we can show you the moon."

"We can show you, introduce you to Superman." Aqualad offers, she notices the clone look hopeful as Wonder Girl tries to say something before she hears another voice at the door. "No, they can't." The scientist stated, accompanied by Guardian and another scientist, "They'll be otherwise occupied. Activate the cloning process." He commanded.

"Pass. The Batcave's crowded enough." Robin comments.

"And get the weapon back in its pod!" She hears the scientist command once more, raising his voice this time as she watches his fellow scientist walk to the control board. "Hey! How come he gets to call Supey an 'it'?" Kid Flash mutters, "Now's not the time, Kid," Wonder Girl quickly says, not turning to look at him, but rather at the scientists in front of them. "Help us." Aqualad pleads to Superboy. Despite being told to leave, the clone stands his ground.

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