07 Copycat!

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Entry Seven: Wannabe Leaguer

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Since the team's formation, Nirvana had found herself casually hanging around the cave if Washington wasn't fun. And this was one of those days. Diana had been called in by the League on League business, leaving her to stick around at the cave with her hero costume——Robin had reminded her of their first training session by Black Canary. And on days like these, they wouldn't have missions planned. Yet.

"We should do something," Wally suggests, opening up the banana in his hand, "While we wait for Superboy?" M'gann asked as the speedster nodded. Superboy had left just as she arrived, leaving for Metropolis while the rest had united in the cave. "I know!" Wally exclaimed, zooming out of the living room before uttering a word about where he ran off.

The Amazon looked at the team, "Should we follow?"

"We have to know where he went," Kaldur answered while M'gann closed her eyes, "He's in the mission room," she answered before flying out with Kaldur following her. Nirvana and Robin leave the living room, walking to the mission room as she turns to him, "Why is Superboy in Metropolis?"

"Miss M said he wanted to visit," he answered, "But I think he wants to see Superman."

"Like bond with the DNA he was cloned from?" Nirvana questioned further as he nodded, "Why?" He asks her. "Well, I mean, why are you worried about that? Are you worried about him?" Robin quizzes, his voice going higher as he emphasizes on Superboy, he laughs to himself while she looked at him weirdly. "I mean, even if Wally doesn't see it, Miss M's got dibs."

Nirvana's face flushes in embarrassment, hearing Wally groan in frustration in the mission room, as she shakes her head. "Not that!" She denied, sighing, "It's more of knowing where he's coming from. It's going to take time for Superman to get used to Superboy, I know what that's like."

"You do?" He asks as she turned to him, "Don't bring this up to anyone." He smiled, showing her a thumbs up as they see Kaldur and Wally play a game of air hockey. M'gann watched from the sidelines, probably acting as referee.

She'd seen a game of air hockey become a frequent match for them at the cave. Especially when Wally began to brag about him being an undefeatable feat in air hockey——and for the first time, he wasn't wrong. Nirvana approaches the three of them, looking at M'gann, "Who's winning?"

"Wally and Kaldur are tied," she answered, watching the two play as Wally passes the digital puck to Kaldur, whose defence had failed, causing the puck to enter his slot, automatically making Wally the winner.

Wally proudly grins at his tough yet quick win, taking a bite from his banana as the computer announces. "Recognized: Superboy, B05."

M'gann's face lights up as he walks towards them, walking through the hockey board in the process, "Hi, Superboy. How was Metropolis?" She asked with a smile on her face, only to be met with silence as he walked away. Nirvana turns to Robin, "Yeah, that's the worst part." She whispered.

"Ready for training, everyone?"

She looks back, seeing Black Canary and Martian Manhunter walk towards them. "Black Canary! Uncle J'onn!" M'gann enthusiastically greets, walking to her uncle and giving him a hug. "M'gann, I was in the neighbourhood so I thought I'd see how you were adjusting." He says warmly, "A few bumps, but I'm learning," she answers as Nirvana momentarily meets Superboy's eyes before he starts walking away.

"Stick around. Class is in session." Black Canary states, walking in the middle, the platform lighting up at her feet. "I consider it an honour to be your teacher." She starts, "I'll throw a lot at you, everything I've learned from my own mentors..." she groans in pain, taking off her jacket as Nirvana notices the bandage on her forearm. "And my own bruises."

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