14 Doubt Comes In...

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Entry Fourteen: How Do I Prepare to Lose You?

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Nirvana silently watched as the alien spaceships disintegrated the Justice League's attempts to defend Earth's invasion from space. She, the team, and Red Tornado stood in the cave's mission chambers, watching the live footage of the League's deaths. Although, as Nirvana ties her hair, she does not feel any sort of agony at the sight of their disintegrations.

An incoming transmission screen pops into view, instantly closing the other screen, as Zatara appears, seemingly sending a message to Red Tornado. "Tornado, did you—"

"Yes, Zatara. We saw." Red Tornado monotonously answered, referring to him and the team in the room. "Celestial defences have failed. Initiate all terrestrial measures." The android ordered as the magician nodded, "Affirmative. See you in the field." The transmission ends and Red Tornado turns to the young heroes.

"I must join the League. We will protect the planet at all costs." Red Tornado states, "But should we fail, the responsibility falls to you." Kaldur glances over to his teammates, "We stand ready." He declared.

As soon as the android left the cave, Robin pulled up live footage from news outlets currently reporting the global fiasco. Central City seemed to be in distress, smoke coming from multiple buildings as the very same ships that killed the League, hover around the city. The camera pans to the reporter, "This is Iris West-Allen, reporting live. The extra-terrestrials have brought their relentless global attack to Central City." Behind her were civilians running, attempting to escape before an energy beam hit the arch, causing it to collapse and then zapping the group of civilians.

A ship flew into view, shooting an energy beam at Iris' way before being rescued by Flash. At the same time, Zatara cast a spell over the cameraman, teleporting him to a safe area on a building rooftop. Joining them were Flash and Iris, "You should both be safe here, at least for now." Zatara promises.

"Thank you Flash," Iris says before looking at the magician, "And Zatara."

Flash zooms back into the city in an instant while Zatara casts a spell, flying out of frame. "Denny, you OK?" Iris asks her coworker, who responds with a thumbs up. "As you can see," the reporter gestures, the camera panning to another rooftop where civilians scream and yell for help. "The Justice League is attempting to hold the line." She reports as Flash and Zatara go to their aid before being zapped by a ship swooping to their level.

The screen zooms out, Cat Grant at her reporting desk as she yells at the screen, "Iris! Iris, get out of there!" Then their footage of Central City goes static. The blonde reporter slowly regains her composure, "I'm sorry, we're experiencing technical difficulties from our Central City feed. We take you now to a devastated Taipei, where another League contingent is having a bit more luck." Cat frowns before it cuts to the League members in Taipei.

However, both the Hawks, Green Arrow and Black Canary lost to the same ships that took down their fellow League members. "Ladies and gentlemen, we've lost Black Canary, Green Arrow and the Hawks." The reporter sadly announces, "Other heroes reported dead or missing include Batman, Icon, Atom and Aquaman."

Nirvana's grey eyes flickered to the only footage left that had their mentors fighting the ships. Wonder Woman destroys a ship before being warned by Red Tornado, "Wonder Woman, above you!" In an attempt to defend herself with her bracelets, she loses and disintegrates like the rest. Behind the android was a larger ship landing on Smallville, almost like the alien's mothership.

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