04 Trials and Tribulations

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Entry Four: Hello, Megan...?

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"Recognized: Wonder Girl, B04."

"Who are we waiting for?" Nirvana questions, overhearing Kid Flash's words as she travels through the zeta tubes. Walking towards the rest before Kid takes off running, with Robin following behind, she follows the two heroes in their civvies—just like everyone else.

Since her return from a short trip to Themyscira, she barely could think of decisions for herself. Her conversation with her aunt could keep her up at night if it was possible, but her Wonder Girl duties kept her preoccupied as she wanted to try to focus on her routine back in Washington. However, even Diana noticed that she was out of it, with dazed answers during a battle or even the one time she used her lasso, only for it to somewhat backfire.

Nonetheless, she tried to do as much as she could to hold off the conversations of returning home for good. It got to a point where no one could contact her except through her cousin, until today.

Noticing the two slow down their pace, she does so too, as they reach the other end of the cave.

"You know, for someone who is normally early," Robin starts, turning to her, "You were surprisingly late." She shrugged, "I would not call myself late, we didn't have a mission to begin with."

She walks up the ramp, with Kid leading them, as the wind shifts with Red Tornado's arrival. "Red Tornado!" The speedster greeted with a wave, "Greetings." The android spoke, noticing the entire team had been present to watch his arrival, "Is there a reason you intercept me outside the cave?"

"We hoped you had a mission for us," Aqualad tells him, voicing the team's thoughts. "Mission assignments are the Batman's responsibility." Red Tornado responded, recalling Batman's words from two weeks ago. "But it's been over a week, and nothing—" Robin starts to say, as he gets cut short.

"You'll be tested soon enough. For the time being, simply enjoy each other's company." Red Tornado states, "This team is not a social club," Aqualad says, trying to persuade the android as if there were any way else to pass the time. "No, but I am told social interaction is an important team-building exercise. Perhaps you can keep busy by familiarizing yourself with the cave." The hero ends their conversation, walking back to the cave as she glances at her team members, asking, "What now?"

"'Keep busy.'" Kid Flash murmured, almost mocking the android. "Does he think we're falling for this?" Robin asked incredulously.

"Oh! I'll find out." Miss Martian muttered as she turned back, the distance slowly growing bigger with each step he took. It went silent momentarily, Nirvana simply watching the android go even further until the recognition system had activated. "Recognized: Red Tornado, 1-6." It announced aloud as Miss Martian sighed in defeat, "I'm sorry, I forgot he's a machine, inorganic." She muttered, "I can't read his mind."

"Nice try, though," Kid reassured her, "So, uh, you know what I'm thinkin' right now?"

"We all know what you're thinkin' now," Robin says, hearing Kid's flirtatious tone, elbowing his best friend's side.

"And now, we tour the clubhouse," Aqualad says, placing another plan in motion since their plan of being handed a mission had failed. "Well, Superboy and I live here. We can play tour guides," Miss Martian proposed, causing Nirvana to turn to the clone, forgetting that he was there with everyone else, but she couldn't blame him as they both stayed quiet the entire time; at least he was quieter than she was. "Don't look at me," Superboy replies, noticing everyone has turned to him.

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