08 The Seven

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Entry Eight: An Archer's Niece

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Despite Diana's insistence on keeping her younger cousin home, especially after the Ivo fiasco, nothing could stop her from joining the team's fun plans as they'd decided to beat the August heat and hit the beach. Zeta-tubing from Washington with a bag as she spotted the team just before hitting the beach M'gann beams in excitement upon seeing her, "Nirvana!"

"Hey, M'gann," she smiled, heading towards them as Robin nudged her elbow as some sort of greeting. While setting her bag down, the Martian had clung onto her as they walked through the cave's other exit, leading them to the beach, M'gann let go and ran to the shore, "Hello, Megan!" She exclaimed, "We should hit the beach every day!"

"First, a moment of silence for our absent comrade." Robin mutters, indirectly mentioning Wally, "Poor Wally," M'gann frowned as their absent teammate had his first day of school.

Nirvana turns to Robin, "I'm surprised he hasn't tried sneaking out of class."

"Can't." He answered, "He'd get in trouble," he added as M'gann dropped the board in her hands onto the sand. "I doubt trouble would stop him from having fun, especially since he's been moaning and groaning about it for a day or two," Nirvana tells him. "I guess I can thank Amazo for destroying my school's gym." Robin smiled, running into the water with M'gann following in tow.

And since the team's formation, this was one of the few times she found herself feeling like a regular teenager——with superpowers and all. Following the other two, she left Kaldur and Superboy behind as she ran to the water, feeling herself get soaked, before being splashed in the face by Robin, returning the action as she splashed back at him. Laughing as M'gann splashed back at her.

From behind her, she could hear faint splashes. She looked behind to see Kaldur walk through the water, joining them before noticing Superboy run from the sand, leaping into the air. "Brace yourselves!" Nirvana yelled as Superboy landed into the water like a cannonball, causing a tidal wave to wash the other four over. She wiped her face as she laughed.

She'd trade her——somewhat——immortality if it meant she had more days like these.

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As the team's, with the unfortunate exclusion of Wally, beach day came to an end. They swapped their beachwear for their hero costumes as Nirvana clasped her hands together, keeping them in front of her as they were accompanied by three League members and a fresh face.

"Recognized: Kid Flash, B03."

The computer announced his arrival as she turned to the zeta-tube. Her lips curled to a frown when Wally showed up in swimming trunks along with beach gear, complete with an umbrella and cooler as he ran into the cave. She had a feeling he was kept out of the loop, at least in terms of dress code. "The Wall-Man is here!"

"Now, let's get this party star—" Wally starts before tripping over his foot, dropping all of his belongings in the process as she cringed at the fall. "...ted." He completed by saying, as the team awkwardly stared at him. "Wall-Man, huh?" The blonde archer, Artemis, questioned, "I love the uniform. What exactly are your powers?" She asked, while Wally had gotten up, "Uh, who's this?"

"Artemis, your new teammate."

"Kid Flash. Never heard of you."

"She's my new protégé." Green Arrow stated, placing a hand on her shoulder, "What happened to your old one?" Wally asked as the computer announced a new arrival, "Recognized: Speedy, B07."

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