Team Bonding (TW, Scars DV)

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Blake's P.O.V 

I didn't get much sleep after i woke up at 9 last night, waking up every couple of hours putting me in one hell of a mood. I know that I can be difficult sometimes and i know Lessi tries her best but i can see how it affects her and it makes me wish that i could sort it all out and just be normal for once because im sick of it, sick of feeling depressed, sick of the constant mood swings, sick of the sympathetic looks i get from people when they find out, and sick of the medication  need to take everyday which just zombifies me. what Lessi doesn't know is that i haven't been taking my medication i just tell her i have because i want to feel things that i can't when i do take them casue they just numb everything, cant be happy, cant be sad cant be nothing. 

i make my way downstairs meeting Lessi in the kitchen expecting her to ask me again if im alright but she doesn't instead puts a plate of food down in front of me encouraging me to eat something before training. "sorry for snapping at you yesterday Lessi, Forgive me" i say while giving her puppy dog eyes causing her to smile. "Only if you eat something Blake you skipped out on dinner last night." i sigh "i'm not even hungry though" i whine, but she gives me the mum look (IYKYK), "Blake, just one bite then im not going to force you, your a big girl now but you need something in your stomach before training. we dont want a repeat of what has happened before now do we." I give up fighting knowing she is right so i manage to eat the slice of toast and half a banana which keeps Lessi satisfied for now.

We make our way to training so i decide to question this little gathering that she mentioned last night by asking whos coming, where is it, do i really need to go etc. "listen Blake, yes you are going, its at Beth's house, the majority of the Arsenal girls will be there and so will Beth and Viv's new puppy. Youll have fun Trust me." The mention of a puppy lightened my mood "PUPPY" i scream causing Less to laugh really hard and i joined in. 

we arrived at training an i instantly went over to Beth demanding to see pictures of the puppy to which she gladly obliges while laughing at my childish behaviour. After a while of me awwing over the puppy Jonas comes in giving us the details for todays training, first up gym. "right Ladies the gym will be partnered work today and due to me noticing who always goes with who i have decided to take it upon myself to pair each of you up with someone new. he reads out the list: 

Beth and Caitlin (Feisty)

Viv and Steph 

Katie and Blake (Fuck me i think)

Alessia and Amanda

he continues to list off the names as we make our way to the gym each with a programme that we need to complete. i look around for Katie and find her sulking in front of her cubby. "Hi, I'm Blake are you ready" instead of a reply i got a scoff as she just gets up and makes her way to the gym , what did i do i ask myself. her actions and behaviour towards me makes me more intrigued by her and i want to find out her problem.

Katie's P.O.V

Of course this is fucking fantastic of course he puts her with me. I finally Managed to figure out where i know her from. when i was playing back home for Shelbourne i remember we organised a friendly with Glasgow why i don't know but i didn't ask any questions i just wanted to play football. 


We arrived in Glasgow all of us excited, laughter and chatter could be heard from all areas of the bus as we make our way to the Glasgow City Playing Area. it was a 12:30pm kick-off and so when arrived it was around 11:00 giving us enough time to get a good warm up done before the match. both teams were lined up ready to take the field and i noticed a pair of eyes looking me up and down, smirking to myself i made a note. the game stated well both teams battling it out for possession however, it was Glasgow City that took the lead after a good ball over the top to their striker who managed to effortlessly dance her way around two of our defenders placing the ball in the bottom corner before running off to celebrate with her team. the game continues with half time quickly approaching, the whistle goes 1-0 at half time. Our coach gave us a very inspirational talk as we quickly made our way back out for the second half. The ball bouncing around the pitch both teams becoming increasingly more physical and determined. I receive the ball from my keeper, i steady myself and begin to move forward up the pitch when next thing i know my feet were taken away as a slide tackle came, now don't get me wrong i love a good slide tackle and this was a fair one however it for some reason pissed me off, maybe it was because we were still trailing in the game. I got Up and began shouting at the player who slid in noticing it was the same player from the beginning of the game, my team instantly drag me away before the ref notices and its a throw in to Glasgow. Next time i think to myself. She gets back on the ball after a great pass from their midfield and so i charge over to her and right before she shoots i slide in making contact with her ankle as she strikes the ball causing her to fall to the ground screaming in pain, Fuck i think that's not what i meant to do. the whistle goes free-kick in a very dangerous area as the medics come on the field and I am given a red and instead of arguing i just storm off the pitch ignoring shouts from my coaches.  The game ends 3-0 to Glasgow City as we all go and shake hands. the last player i approach is the one i tackled and so i make my way over and shake her hand "Sorry about the tackle" i say apologetically, "it's fine look I'm still walking" she says sarcastically causing me to laugh, "i'm Blake Btw.", "Katie" i answer "Well Good game Katie , hope to see you around." she says while winking

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