Chapter Fiveteen

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Thursday, March 14, 15:27 pm

Yn's Perspektive

A few weeks past and the second math exam for this school year was today. Nervous i stood up and got ready for the day. I checked if i had everything, only to see that i almost forgot my learn paper/notes where a few mathematic forms were standing on. I sight and then walked to the bus station. Maya waited for me at the school and we got in together. "Im so nervous" she said and i nood. Whe both laughed and got our classroom. "If you want you can look at my notes" i said and she quickly nood and i gave it to her. When the bell rang, the rest of the students came and Mr. Smith closed the door and greted us. He gave everyone the exam and told us that we had two whole lessons to finish. I looked over to Maya and gave her a thump up, before we could start. I was nervous and looked to the front, to Mr. Smith table. He was watching me. Somehow that calmd me down and i smiled at him before i started to look at the first Page of the Exam...

Im still alive. I proudly smiled to myself after i finished the exam and bring it to the front, to Mr. Smith. "I hope your not too good, or you cant tell your parents your meeting me because you dont understand math" he wishpered and i nodd sadly. He was right, but even if i got a little bit better, i would always find a reason to meet him. And when this cant do it, i tell my parents i have a boyfriend and wanted to spend time with him, not menzioning my boyfriend is my teacher... But im not sure what they would say, or even care. They were always at work, but still good parent. Somehow difficult to explain...

After school Eric and i drove to his place and he told me he would look over my exam first. We got in and he started kissing me. I pulled away and smiled at him. "You first need to look at my exam Professor" he lifted a brow and came closer. "Oh is that so?" he chuckled and lifted me up. Laughing he threw me on the bed. He leaned his body over mine and started kissing me again. We where half naked when suddently the bell rang, we both looked to the door anoyed. Eric quickly put on something and got to the door. I sigh and leaned back, resting for a bit. A few Minutes later i heard the door closing, and steps comming back to me. Eric walked in and closed the door for a moment. "My brother Alex is here again" he sight and i hugged him smiling. "Maybe we can make him go quickly" i smiled and stood up to get dressed. He grinned and we walked to the livingroom, where his brother was sitting on the couch. I greetet him friendly and he nod grinning, when he saw his brothers cloth on me. I got a bit shy, the first time in a few weeks since im with Eric. He made me feel save. The last time, his brother was here, wasnt that bad... where he said i should meet theire parents... I think its almost a month back, when he was here. I had so much to do, because of the math exam from today, that i didnt even realise, that the time rushed so quick. There was a strange silent for a few moments before Eric asked his brother what he wanted from us. The two brotheres looked at each for a moment before Eric turned to me. "You sure remember the last time he was here, and what he said" Eric started and i nod, shyly looking over at his brother for a second. "One time all few month, my family meets for a weekend. This weekend is this Saturday and Sunday." Eric explained and i nod. We promised his older brother that we would come and he left, after that. Eric pushed me to the couch and i cold feel his hot breath on my neck. He pressed his body to mine, and my body automaticly shiverered when i felt his hard erection between my legs. I pushed Eric up and started to open his trouser, trowing mine and underwear to the floor in a move. Nervously i looked at him and placed my hands on his shoulders, getting on his lap. He carfully pushed me down and i trew my head back in shock. I heard Eric chuckle and he slowly started moving his hips, against mine. After a few momets i started to move too and he pulled me even closer and hugged me tight.

After we had something for dinner, he started to correct the math eams and i layed down on the couch, holding my phone in one hand. I sight and saw Eric standing up, comming toward me. " Mh What is it love?" he ask and i placed a kiss on his lips, feeling a bit uneasy. He sat down next to me and holded my hand, while waiting for me to tell him. "I want my parents to know that i have a boyfriend, but im scared how they react. Maybe there happy, but what if..." he shook his head and grabed my chin, making me look directly at him. "you can tell them after this weekend with my parents. I can wait before your door and when something happens, you just grab a few things and we drive to our place" he said and placed a kiss on my hair. He said OUR place...? I nod and thanked him. We chuddled for a bit, until he had to go back to work. I decidet to go home for today, maybe my parents were home and i could carefully ask when they think i can/are alowwed to have a realationship, but not too directly.

When i got home, i first walked to my room and set my thinks down. Then i waited for my parents to come home, while watching Tv in the livingroom. Somehow i sleept i and when i woke up again, it was 2am, and they still werent back. I sight and went to my bed upstairs.

Friday, May 03, 21:34 pm

1079 words

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