Rest In Peace, Akira Toriyama 😭🙏🏽🕊️

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Hey guys, so back on the 8th or 9th, I was scrolling through YouTube and saw a video about the fact that our beloved DBZ mangaka, Akira Toriyama, has passed away at age 68 due to a blood clot in his brain 💔

When I heard the news, I was in immense shock and my heart quickly bottled up with sorrow and a sense of emptiness. I'm still so heartbroken even after about a week had passed. I loved dbz so much. It was my FAVORITE show as a kid from the time I was 3-16. I was absolutely obsessed with it. Even to this day, I'm still a fan and always will be no matter what. I collected dragonball merchandise and even still have a couple posters of it in my room. It was my very first anime and without dbz, I probably would've never came to love anime nor started my journey as a writer. I would've never been influenced into becoming the person I am today without it. It taught me a lot about morals, friendship, and family.

I still remember the time when Goku was my very FIRST anime crush. I was 7 at the time and just thought he was cute lol but it wouldn't be till I was about 9 or 10 when I had my huge childhood crush on Gohan. I remember reading so many fanfics about him, trying to get my hands on any and everything that had to do with him 💀

I remember how good the fanfics were, how good the fanarts were and the amount of times I'd try to draw him myself lol he was my first major crush, real or fictional. I liked the character so much that once I got done reading my fanfics of him, I wanted to try my own shot of writing my own oc with him, granted, I was very insecure at the time and didn't make her to look like me but 💀 I was 13 when I wrote my first chapter on quizilla. It was in November of 2011.

I'd spend hours and hours at the computer writing this love story of him lol and even tho it was goofy and childish as heck, I noticed very quickly that hundreds of people were clicking on my chapters. I was getting so many votes on quizilla and fame on there, but unfortunately, one day, the site was gonna close down and so I decided to take my fanfic to... you guessed it! Wattpad!

Fortunately, LOTS of my fans followed me here and quickly I became one of, if not, the number one dbz fanfic writer on this site at the time. People truly loved my story even though it was so cringe lol I made a lot of embarrassing things like the book movie trailers but y'all loved it anyway lol

Akira Toriyama did so much for the hearts of millions. It's heartbreaking he's gone now. Ik lots of people feel the strange hole in their hearts like I do rn. It's like my childhood died with him 💔 Ik we didn't know him personally, but we still felt a deep connection with his characters and the world he built. I'll never forget the happiness his show brought to me as a kid and even now as an adult. I pray that he's doing well in heaven and that his family as well as us fans recover from his loss. I'll never forget him and his work and what he'd done for my life! Thank you so much, sensei 😭❤️🙏🏽 may you rest in peace 🕊️

Now, in his memory, I was thinking of maybe writing a story about yet another one of his characters. For a long time, I figured I'd be done with dbz in terms of fanfic, but I had seen a post about Android 17 on Facebook and remembered how much I enjoyed him in dbs. He was my favorite on that show. I was just thinking... hmm... what if I wrote a STORY about HIM?!

Would any of you want to read that? It'd most likely be in third person tho. Ik a lot of you wanted me to finish this Gohan book, but I'm sorry, I'm just really not fascinated by Gohan's character anymore. He was just a childhood crush lol

However, in case you didn't know, I did write the finale of the gohan series in Lost Memories: FINAL CHAPTER

I never finished the book but I did write what the fates of everyone's story was supposed to be had I finished it. If you don't like it, I hope you forgive me 😅🙏🏽

Anyway, lemme know if you'd like to read the Android 17 book and if you have any ideas for the oc or plot or anything like that. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️

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