Chapter 9: The Kids Who Will One Day Become Heroes

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Chapter 9: The Kids Who Will One Day Become Heroes

I watched as the one named, Cell, continue to babble into the microphone he had snatched away from a reporter.

"Where are they?! Where are those pathetic Z Fighters?! Ha! I'm back! Even stronger than I was before! The perfect weapon will not be killed that easily!" He grunts with a very angry expression on his face.

The people still left alive was cowarding away from him. Fear was written in their expressions as they dropped their cameras and ran for their lives. Unfortunately, a loud explosion was heard. Everyone was screaming and I sensed that lives were lost.

He killed them!

Everyone watched in horror as he continued to destroy everything in the city. Soon the camera stopped taping and had broken.

Gohan got back up and headed straight to the door.

"I gotta go, everyone!" He says, anger filling his voice. I ran up to him and grabbed onto his arm.

"You can't go! Did you see what he did to all those people?!"

I was worrying for his safety. He looked down at me and gave me one of his so-called 'famous' grins.

"Don't worry, i'll be back." He  tries to reassure me, but I wasn't about to fall for that trick.

"No Gohan! That monster just said that he was much stronger this time! I heard you say that you killed him once, but as you can see, he's still alive!" I argue while still holding onto his arm.

I felt as Yamcha placed his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him curiously.

"Let him go... Gohan's the best chance we have of defeating him. If he did it once, then he can do it again as a super saiyan two! And to make sure nothing bad happens, we'll come with him." Yamcha speaks with a serious look in his eyes.

"Well if you're going Gohan, i'm coming with you!"

Gohan turned back around, his grin turning into a frown.

"No, you're staying here Tania! It's too dangerous for you to come with us!" He outright refuses. I tried to reason with him, but instead, he pulled me into a hug.

My heart was starting to beat just like it did while we were on the nimbus cloud four weeks prior. This time was different though. Unlike last time, I didn't push him off of me. Instead, I allowed him to hold me in his arms.

"I care about you, Tania. I don't want you to get hurt. Please stay here for me, okay?" He whispers sweetly.

"But... I don't want you to get hurt either." I admit to Goten's brother.

Unable to resist him any longer, I slowly wrapped my arms around him. I could tell that everyone looked quite shocked at what they witnessed but as much as I wanted not to get intimate with him, the way my heart was feeling, forced me to do just that.

We stayed like this until Krillin spoke up.

"Alright love birds, if you can even remember, Cell's back!" He announces pretty annoyed.

I pulled away from Gohan and yelled at Krillin.

"We're not lovebirds!"

He sighed. "Why is it so hard for you to admit that you're in love?"

I blushed and thought to myself.

I'm not in love with Gohan. That's impossible! I don't think of of him like that.

"Okay, lets get going before Cell kills even more innocent people!" Gohan says as he and the others took off in the sky.

"Nooo! Gohan, please come back!" I shout, racing to the door.

I got to follow them!

"Tania!" Bulma calls my name, stopping me from heading out the door. "You got to stay here! If you go after them, they'll have one more person to worry about. That can do more harm than good."

I slided down to my knees and sighed.

But Gohan...

A small hand was beginning to tug on my shirt. I looked down to see Gohan's little brother frowning at me with sad eyes.

"Are you worried about my brother, lady?" He asks in the most cutest voice i've ever heard. He made me think of my younger sister, Melanie.

"I guess.. only a little." I answer honestly. I smiled at Goten and picked him up.



"You don't have to call me lady. My name is Tania. Remember that for me, okay?" I ask, hoping that he would.

"Okay, I will. I promise!" The toddler smiles.

Actually, when I have a better look at him, he does look identical to his father. I remember Gohan showing me a photo of him. If that's so, then that means he's one of the kids that I haven't met.

I glanced at the other boy who looked similar to Trunks.

He must be the other one then! That's right! I forgot to ask for his name!

I set the spiky-haired boy down and made my way over to the lavender-haired kid.

"If you can remember a little while ago, I didn't get the chance to know your name. Do you mind telling me it?"

"Trunks." He responds with pride. I stared at him wide-eyed.

"Trunks? But.. I thought.." I trail off before Bulma interrupted.

"I know what you're thinking. This might be hard for you to believe, but my son right there is the younger version of the one who just left a few moments ago." She explains.

"What? That doesn't make any sense at all. What you're saying to me is that the other one is from the future or something?" I question, still in shock.

She nodded. "Yep!"

W-What the heck is this? He's from the future?! How is that even possible? I could've sworn the last time I checked, it was all just science fiction I think! Just what planet am i really on? This cannot possibly be earth!

A few minutes passed by and I began to feel a little dizzy. I placed my hand over my arm, gasping for air. I felt some pain and stared at my palm that was now covered completely in blood.

How did- Something's wrong!

"Are you okay?" Mini Trunks asks, looking confused. I weakly nodded but suddenly collapsed on my knees feeling my life force fading a bit.

Bulma and everyone came running up to me asking questions that I couldn't really hear. A sudden flash came into my mind. I saw the others attacking a woman who was with that Cell guy.

I looked at my arm that was now bleeding heavily. Next thing I knew, my forehead was covered in blood as pain traveled throughout my entire body.

"Tania! Tania! Stay with me! Don't pass out on me!" I hear Bulma yell out.

I knew my injuries were getting worse with each second passing by and even though my vision was getting blurry, I was able to stay half conscious.

What's happening to me? I feel like i'm gonna die!

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