To Every One Of My Supporters

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You know, after having this account since I was 13 or 14, I don't think I ever properly told you guys exactly how grateful I am for you. You guys have no idea how much you changed my life and way of thinking.

Even when I began writing on quizilla when I had just turned 13 and in the 7th grade.

Some of my early fans changed the site they were using just to read my first story. It was incredible and I was like, "Woah, it's that good?"

My imagination as a kid was huge and I had no idea how to express these ideas to other people and at the same time, I didn't know if these imaginations were acceptable. So, I decided,

"Hey, let me just try writing these things down and enjoy them for myself then."

Funny thing is, I was new to writing and quizilla and that thing was messing up all the time. One day, after finishing my first chapter—it was somewhat different back then btw—the thing where you would save your work, completely went out of control and suddenly, my chapter had been published.

I had no idea how to get it back as a draft without deleting it. So, I just shrugged my shoulders and smiled then explored the site some more.

I had no idea that my life would change forever with just that one screw up on quizilla. It was like, I was meant to have people read this story and continue on to make other stories like my sequel to that book and the side stories of it then eventually my Naruto story which everyone seems to love so much.

Anyway, not even like a few days later after that incident, I got all these messages saying,

"Omg, your story is great."

"Tania's so sweet, write more."

"Please update! I love this."

All these random messages just started popping up in my messenger thing and I was just reading these things like "My god, it was just one chapter."

My Gohan story that you see on here didn't even have a title at the time. It wasn't even supposed to be a story at all. It was just there so I could see my imagination in writing, if that makes sense.

But, it ended up becoming a hit on Quizilla and eventually a hit on here. This story has 150 THOUSAND reads! That's... that's all because of you guys. You guys were the ones who got it there and I can't thank you enough.

I can't believe my 13-year-old fangirling crush on Gohan actually got that many reads. It's unbelievable. I'm so glad I made that story and I'll never take it down or regret it.

I remember every single chapter I made after that first one. It was absolutely fantastic to make and every time I think about how you guys enjoyed my very immature and fangirly story at the age I wrote it at the time, it makes me tear up now as I'm thinking about this as an adult ready to have my dreams put into action.

Seriously you guys, thanks so much. You guys blessed me in a way you won't ever be able to understand. I was seriously a child making this because I had always considered the dbz characters as my second family. I literally grew up with these characters since I was 3.

Always at my TV, kicking my little feet and throwing my baby fists, screaming,

"Beat em up, Goku! You can do it!"

When he would ask for people to raise their hands for the spirit bomb, I would always raise mine and actually think he was collecting my energy. My parents thought this was cute for years and didn't even tell me anime characters weren't real till a late age like freaking nine years old haha.

My True Love!!! Gohan and Me ✔️Where stories live. Discover now