Chapter 26: Memory Lost

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Chapter 26: Memory Lost

"How..." I mumble to myself as I stared in shock at the monkey like tail that was freely flaling itself around me. "How can I have this on me? It's not possible!"

I grabbed onto my tail and felt it's softness. Everyone was still staring in confusion as to how this was possible. Looking up into the sky I saw as the same woman who was with me earlier came floating down the clouds with the very same creature who everyone seen on the TV from Kame House.

"You again..." I say as the two finally made it down to the tiles.

"Cell!" Vegeta and Trunks responds as the giant bug gave them a smirk.

"Hello Trunks... And of course you too, Vegeta." He greets father and son. "Nice to know that you've trapped your only hope inside the chamber. Such a pity."

Vegeta just clenched his fist, gritting his teeth as the silver haired woman began to walk towards us.

"Tania, what's wrong? You look awfully sad. You should be very proud of yourself for getting rid of that boy!" She says as she lifted my chin up so that I would look her in the eyes.

I slapped her hand off of me and gave her a cold glare. "Shut up! You made me do that!"

"Such a fiesty little girl."

I waited for the perfect timing then kicked Eternal in the stomach then phased out and reappeared behind her, locking my hands and forcing it down the back of her head, causing her to slam face first through the tile.

"Take that you witch!" I insult the saiyan as she recovered in the air. Vegeta and Trunks looked at me in shock as if they never knew how strong I can be.

"Incredible..." Says Dende as he stood there with the other two. "Tania, you should've felt the attack, but for some reason you're immune to it."

"Feel the attack, what are you saying?!" I ask.

I then felt someone holding onto my arms firmly behind my back. Looking back, I saw that it was that Cell guy who had me. "Let go of me!"

"No can do." He says very slow and calmly.

I tried to break myself free, but with no luck. Finally, Eternal had appeared in front of me again and took out the ring from earlier and neared it to her heart, saying a chant as her body once again began to glow.

"Argh!" Cell grunts as a energy wave pierced through his torso. I was set free as the android had dropped me out of his grasp.

A man about my height with purple skin and a white mohawk had made his appearance known to everyone. Dende looked at this creature with awe and seemed too speechless to speak even a single word.

"Supreme Kai." Eternal calls looking quite surprised herself. "I haven't seen you in so long... I thought you  were dead."

"Supreme Kai?" I repeat while examing the male with suspicion.

The short man just glanced at me and returned his attention back on Eternal. "She must've told you then, huh?"

"Yes!" The saiyan goddess answers in a angry tone. "She told me everything!"

"What's going on?!" Asks Vegeta as he walked up to the short man and held him by the uniform. "Who are you?!"

"Father!" Trunks shout.

"Vegeta, put him down!" Dende demands. "This man is the ruler of the east quadrant of the universe!"

"Wow..." Trunks and I comment. With a last "Hmph", Vegeta had dropped the Kai and crossed his arms over his chest.

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