Chapter 33: Gohan's Heart Tested- Honor/Honesty/Wisdom

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Chapter 33: Gohan's Heart Tested- Honor/Honesty/Wisdom

"You have passed the first test, the test of Courage." Misaki confirms as she walked up to me with an innocent smile. "This is the test of Honor. I can sense that you are a Saiyan. Your race it not widely held to be honorable, so we shall see how you do. Sit down and we shall begin."

She dropped into a lotus position on top of the cloud and waited for me to do the same. Once I had gotten settled, she drew an invisible symbol in the air before speaking.

"I will ask you questions, you will answer them the best you can. If what you say is true, the symbol I just drew will glow blue. If what you say is not true, then it will glow red. Answer yes or no then explain your answer. Are you ready to begin, young one?"

"Yes." I answer, taking a deep breath then exhaling. "I'm ready!"

"Do you honor your friends?"

"Yes. I honor them by staying by their side no matter what the circumstances may be and helping them with whatever they may struggle with."

In the middle of the air a blue glow came from the symbol.

"Do you honor your parents?" She asks in a cheerful tone.

"Yes. I honor my mother by studying like she wanted me to do and I honor my father by taking over the responsibility of protecting our planet so everyone may live in peace." I answer truthfully, knowing that a blue light will appear.

Just like I thought, the blue glow shone its light on my face. Misaki smiled and continued to question me about my honor towards my enemies and the planet earth. After I spoke my answers, the symbol glowed a bright blue and not once red.

"You've done an amazing job so far, Son Gohan." Misaki applaud me. "I have only to ask you one more question and we'll get on to the next part of this test."

"Ready when you are." I reply. Misaki changed from a happy-go-lucky person to that of a serious one.

"Do you honor yourself?"

Honor myself huh? I had a feeling she was going to eventually ask me that. I began to think back to how everything in my life has turned out to be. Smiling to myself, I finally answered.

"I honor myself by taking pride in what I have accomplished. I honor myself by staying true to my nature, and I honor myself by passing down what I know to others."

It felt like forever. The symbol wasn't doing anything and Misaki was intensly waiting for it to give it a answer. Finally the symbol glowed bright blue, and stayed like that. I looked at Misaki to see that she was staring at me with curious eyes.

"You have passed my test." She informed me with a huge grin. I returned her smile and pumped my fist into the air. "I did it!"

She laughed. "You have honor, young warrior. People who pass the first test often fail during this one. Continue to honor those in your life, and remember to honor yourself."

As soon as I stood up she told me to sit back down. I did as I was told and asked her why we couldn't go back to the others.

"I told you already. That was the first part to the test. You have yet to take the test of honesty."

"Oh, ok. Lets start this."

Misaki narrowed her eyes on me. "Hold on Gohan. Not to many people have passed this test. I'm going to need you to be completly honest with everything that I ask you or else you will not pass and therefore will not receive the reward you'll get to have."

I nodded in understanding. Misaki flipped her medium lengthed white hair off her shoulder and onto her back. Her yellow eyes continueed to make contact with my coal black ones.

"There are two kinds of honesty: honesty towards others, and honesty towards oneself. You must have both to past my test. For the first part you must put your hands on the orb. The orb will show us if you are honest with others."

Misaki reached over picked up both of my hands and gently placed them on top of the orb. Immediately the orb began to change colors, and I felt it start to heat up beneath my hands. In the swirling colors of the orb, I could catch fleeting images of myself through various stages of life - with other people and without. However, the images were gone to fast for me to make out exactly what they were. For the next thirty minutes the orb continued its swirling of images - the heat continuing to grow, but it was nothing I couldn't bear.

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