Chapter 2: School Life

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Chapter 2: School Life

I couldn't wait to get off the bus! That small pancake I had eaten was not enough to fill this girl up!

Finally, my bus made it to the school and as soon as that door opened, I raced towards the entrance doors. Nobody couldn't possibly survive me when i'm hungry! Making my way to the front of the line, I couldn't help but push some people out of my way.

"Excuse me, sorry!" I apologize after accidentally knocking a girl down. Fortunately, she didn't get all aggressive like some other teens at this school.

Receiving my breakfast, I turned around and saw as almost every table was filled.

My emotions began to kick into overdrive as I realized how much of a loner I am here. It's not very fun being unpopular with little to no friends at all. Well at least I have friends!

I sat at an empty table and waited for that one person to call my name and have a seat with me.

"Hey Tania! How are you this morning?" The voice I was familiar with asks.

My eyes drifted behind me to see my best friend Jessica. Her silky blonde hair rested on her shoulders while her sparkly brown eyes stared at me waiting for a answer. Unlike me, Jessica is one of the preppy, cool kids. Being as pretty as she is, a lot of guys often ask her out on dates.

"Hi Jessica! I'm fine, how abou- huh?"

At that moment, I felt someone touch my shoulder. I looked around to see who did that but it seemed no one was there since everyone left the cafeteria.

If it wasn't Jessica, then who could've it had been?

"Tania? Is there something wrong?" My friend asks worried.

"I don't know... but I think someone just touched my shoulder." I answer her.

"Oh come on Tania, that must've been your imagination. Trust me." Jessica raises an eyebrow.

"Maybe you're right." I agree as I put a few strings of hair behind my ear.

The bell ringed, telling us it was time for class. And so, the seventh, eighth, and ninth graders parted ways to their first hour classes. Thankfully, I had gym today.

I paced myself to the locker room and slipped out of my attire and dressed myself into my bathing suit. It was a beautiful two piece. The top had a tie around the middle of the chest area and was purple. It was the same for the bottom half. I changed my hairstyle into pigtails since I really liked the feel of it.

It was a good thing that we had swimming as our new unit today because I was planning to get revenge on my gym teacher. Yesterday, she had made us do one hundred push ups just for commenting on how her eye shadow was not her color.

What was that crazed woman thinking? We're only fourteen!

As I came out the locker room, another one of my friends, Lea, was waiting around the pool area.

"Hey Lea." I greet her, grinning widely.

"Hey girl!" She responds. Lea has a way of not saying others names, but sometimes she uses mine as an exception.

"So, did you bring it?" The red-head smirks evilly.

"Huh? Oh ya, yes I did."

I took out my blue squirt gun I was planning to test out on Mrs. Cruze. We both snickered as Mrs. Cruze led us into the pool. She asked questions about anyone not knowing how to swim. Since no one raised any of their hands, we were free to do whatever we wanted in the water. At first, everybody was shocked by her change of attitude, but supposedly she thought that we worked very hard yesterday and deserved it. I then felt bad for wanting to squirt Mrs. Cruze with the water gun, but hey, I was still gonna do it!

All at once, everyone jumped into the pool and started splashing one another with water. Immediately, I brought out the water gun and packed some water into it. I submerged underwater, swimming to where the gym teacher was sitting. Resurfaced, I aimed straight for her forehead. "Got you now!"

"Hey Tania!" Someone calls, splashing a large amount of water at me.

I dropped the toy gun down. "Oh come on Jessica! I was about to eliminate Mrs. Cruze!"

"No you're not!" Jessica manages to say while laughing. She then splashed another set on me and before I knew it, I started splashing at her too. We were having fun!

"Okay class, settle down! Time to hit the showers. Get going!" Mrs. Cruze rushes everyone out the pool. Anger was filling my body cause I didn't get to squirt her. Shrugging my shoulders and letting out a sigh, I hid my water gun and attempted to leave the pool area in peace.

"Ms. Ayame?"

"Yes, Mrs. Cruze?" I respond with a rude tone.

She placed her hands on her hips and glared at me.

"You'll be mopping this place. Bringing water guns is strictly forbidden in this school. You know that!"

Oh brother!

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a mop while everyone, including the teacher, left the area. I went into deep thought as I wiped the soaked floor. I was thinking about my brother, who was back at home.

It must be so hard for Shininchi.

Since our parents passed away, he was forced to support Sinako, Melanie, and I by himself. Paying for bills just so that we can have a roof above our heads, grocery shopping so we have food and not to mention the electricity bill also. Working three jobs so we can survive is really stressful for one person. Usually, he'll be gone the whole night if he has to. Now that Sinako is seventeen, he can finally go find a job also. I'll go job hunting too as soon as I turn sixteen.

Suddenly, I heard things and shelves falling down from the equipment storage. I dropped the mop and ran to see what had happened. I unlocked the door with the keys that Mrs. Cruze provided me to put all the things we used in the water back.

"It's a disaster in there! Everything is ruined!" I gasp.

The pool equipment had all fallen down from the shelves and cluttered the closet. Diving equipment, surf boards and things like that were cracked too.

Oh, i'm gonna get it now...

Further entering the closet to examine more, the door had slammed shut behind me. As soon as I heard the locking sound, I flip around and pound the door as hard as I could with the hopes that someone would hear me.

"Hello?! Helloooo?! Anyooone!" I shout.

Like in breakfast, there was another hand felt on my shoulders.

"W-Who's there?" I jolt and observe the area.

No answer.

It's so dark in here! I can't see a thing!

Terrified, I pushed against the door as hard as my body was able to handle. Fortunately, after a few attempts, the door had been broken down and I was freed.

Thinking I had just saved myself, I looked up only to see Mrs. Cruze staring down angrily at me.

Uh oh. What now?

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