Chapter 11: Caring For Another

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Chapter 11: Caring For Another

Blackness was all I could see at this point. The pain was too much. I could feel my heartbeat slowing down with every passing second.

This must be what it feels like to die a slow painful death.

Each breath I would breathe would feel like a million knives stabbing my insides. Death's door was waiting for me to enter, welcoming me to stay there. However, that's not what I wanted. My life, the one that use to be tortured, the one that had it's heart wounded, was now embracing the new life that came upon me...

I'm not ready to pass on from the living!

"Tania! Wake up! Please wake up! Don't die just yet! TANIA!!!"

I hear s-someone...

That voice, the very same voice I knew I loved to hear, was reaching out for me.

Suddenly, the swirl of darkness began to fade away and I began to awaken. My vision was still a blur, but I was still able to identify the person who was cuddling me in their arms.

"Go...han?" I croak.

I weakly smiled upon seeing him again.

He came for me...

"Eat this. It'll make you better." He claims before softly putting a bean into my mouth.

I couldn't chew it, but he helped me accomplish that. It really hurted to swallow but a few seconds later, the unbearable pain I was feeling had suddenly been cured. I sprung back up and looked at my arm which use to have a deep bloody wound.

No way...

I was completely healed.

"Thank goodness you're alive!" I hear everyone in the room say.

I turned to my left and saw Gohan badly bruised and covered in blood.

"Gohan, you're hurt!" I scream, completely forgetting about my whole ordeal.

Immediately, I rushed over to him, watching as blood dripped from his left ear. Panic began to set in as I saw him beginning to pant for air.

"We need to get him to the infirmary!" Bulma exclaims as she, Trunks, and Goten helped Gohan back onto his feet.

He screamed in agony when he stood on his right leg. My heart broke when I saw that pained expression that displayed on his face.

Putting his arm over my shoulder and holding onto his side, we slowly progressed over to a room upstairs and layed him onto the bed. Once again, he let out another painful scream. His body was already beginning to swell. By then, I knew that he had broken a few bones.

I layed him onto the bed while Bulma took out one of her dino caps and tossed it on the wooden floor. A huge emergency kit came into view. The blue-haired woman then opened it and began to hook on some things into Gohan. He squirmed around a bit but eventually calmed down.

"Bulma can I do the bandaging on him, please?" I plead.

Fortunately, she agreed and had taken Trunks, Goten, and herself out of the room. Now only myself, Gohan, and Master Roshi was left in the room. I glared at Roshi, hoping he would take the hint and get out.

I shook my head as he just stood there like an idiot.

"Roshi, i'm gonna need you to get out of the room so that I can treat Gohan without any disruptions." I order nicely.

Nodding his head, Master Roshi listened and began to walk out the door.

"Everyone was worried you wouldn't make it."

I turned back at the old man. 

"Gohan was the most concerned though. Even though he came in all battered and broken, he wouldn't stop trying to wake you up no matter how hopeless the situation seemed. He cares for you. You should thank him for saving your life." Was all Roshi said before walking out the door and closing it behind him.

I gazed at Gohan, tears beginning to form in my eyes as I tended to his wounds.

He was worried about me? Why would he even care about me? I'm not anything special.

After bandaging him, it was quiet for a few minutes.

All this time i've been treating him so harshly and yet he still came for me. Now he's injured and I feel like a monster.

"Why?" I ask, breaking the dead silence. Gohan slowly turned his eyes over to me.

I sat on a chair close to the bed and clenched onto the sheet I layed over my lap.

"Why didn't you listen to me? I told you that that Cell guy was probably way too strong! I can sense his power Gohan, so why would you not listen?!" I nearly shout at him.

At this point, tears was beggining to consume my face. My heart was crushing as if it was dying! 

"Tania, why are you crying?" Gohan holds onto my hand.

I didn't respond and kept on letting the tears devour me.

Why am I feeling this way?! Seeing Gohan this way really hurts! I hate this...

The emotions that I was receiving was grief, extreme sadness, and guilt. Finally I gave in to my feelings and told him the truth.

"You're hurt! I can't stand to see you all beaten up like that. It's killing me inside, Gohan!"

He only smiled. "I wanted to protect you, that's all."

"But that doesn't mean you had to do that!" I yell.

"No, I needed to. Tania you mean a lot to me..." He confesses as he slowly sat up.

I blushed and looked away from his gaze. My heart was thudding really hard now and I hoped that he wouldn't be able to hear.

This weird feeling again... W-What is it?

He continued smiling at me and squeezed onto my hand a bit harder. Despite the pain he was in, he used his other hand to wipe away my tears and stroked my cheek.

"Gohan..." I shyly whisper his name. His hand on my face made me feel paralyzed.

"Tania, I promised you that I would come back before I left, now didn't I?"

I thought back to before him and the others left Kame House and remembered the words he said.

"Don't worry, i'll be back"

Returning back to reality, I nodded.

Gohan then slowly leaned over to me and whispered, "You scared me. I wasn't sure you were gonna live." before brushing his lips onto my own.

My eyes shot open in complete shock. H-He's kissing me...

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