My first kid (HulRat)

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Team India was chasing a score of 320. However they were able to score it with one last six of Shubi. As soon as they defeated the opposite team, Virat ran to the ground to hug Shubi and Rishu.

Others also followed him. Vi hugged Shubi for a long time. Rahul was looking at them. Yes he did score 65 in the match but he did not get a single hug from the person who usually never leave him along.

Rah sighed. Shubi hit the winning six after all. He just hugged the players who were closer and went to the dressing room. He took his phone and opened the gallery. One photo caught his attention. It was Vi hugging him in a test match.

Unlike other days Rah was also smiling in the picture. How things have changed.

He got a notification about Chahal TV live. Yuzi is probably interviewing someone from the ground. He opened the link. It was Vi.

"Virat tell me about your relationship with younger kids. I see some players with same energy like you " Yuzi asked him.

"I mean yeah. I have a good relationship with them. They are also crackheads like me. They are my blood after all. Specially Shubi "

Rahul pause the video. He knew he is not a social person. He is not pulling prank on others. He is not demanding attention like others. May be that's why Vi never felt like he is Vi's own blood. That thoughts occupied his mind.

In the evening Vi decided to stop by Rah's room. He hadnt seen Rah for a while. Rah was there in his room. Still in his playing jersey.

"Rahuliya.... Here you are. I was looking for you "

"What do you need Vi ?"

"Why..... cant I just look for my kid "

"Your kids were there with you who am I anyways ?" Rah said without meeting Vi's eyes.

"Rahul what did you just say "

"Nothing. " tears were visible on his face.

"Rah.. are you crying what happened Rah. You are scaring me "

"Just go to them Virat.... To the people who feels like your blood "

"Rahul.. I didn't mean it like that way.." Vi's voice was breaking.

"I know... I'm.. not like you.. I act like I hate when you treated me as a kid.. but I love every bit of it.. but I don't get that... that affection anymore.. you have forgotten about me.. I'm just no one to you " Rah said while sobbing.

"Rah.. first of all stop crying. Please don't think that way.. you matters to me the most " Vi didnt know what to do.

"Please Virat don't say things if you don't mean them. "

"Rah "

"Please leave. Sorry for this emotional drama. I know I shouldn't have say these things. But my heart didn't accept "

Vi had nothing to do but to leave. He met Shubi in the corridor.

"Vi bhai.. lets play video games in my room tonight " He asked excitedly. But Vi was not in a mood to talk.

"Not today Shubi" Vi tried to escape.

"Bhai I deserve your time after the win." Shubi whined

"Why are you always demanding attention from me. Because of you.. just go and annoy someone else Shubman"

Shubi felt bad as Vi never talk like that.

"Bhai why are you talking like that ?"

Vi sighed.

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