With love from Hawaii

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  • Dedicated to To.. everyone who wishes they could go to Hawaii ( cuz i doo ;) )x

"ARGH" My eyes darted open to see my now soaking wet magazine flopping of the sunbed. My large framed sunglasses now had tiny droplets of water over them, so that it was like looking through a kaleidoscope. I clenched my jaw and slowly took of my sunglasses waiting to find Mason stood smirking at me with a half full bucket of water ready to throw at me; once again.

As i looked up the suns sharp rays caught my eyes causing me to squint. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the culprit... Amber.

"Bridgey you've been out here for hours, we need to get ready to go to dinner"

So we have been in Hawaii for two days now and i can honestly say - its beautiful!

Don't get me wrong have always known that hawaii is preetty cool but just lying here, out on the beach and staring up to the lush green mountains ahead of me Is just mind blowing.

The sky is the most gorgeous shade of blue and it fades down perfectly, to contrast the mountains that i can almost view behind the turquoise sea.

The flight here though was maybe not so glamourous.

Carlson and Mason had sat together for most of the flight but the awkwardness between them both was just unbearable so me and amber decided to swap seats, So instead i sat next to Carlson who was more than happy with the new seating arrangements. That was until i started to violently throw up for two hours straight; I think everyone on the plane would have been more than happy to have forced me into a life jacket and throw me out of the plane and into the sea...

"I COMING!" Yelling up to amber I lazily sat up and stretched out, letting a big yawn escape my mouth ( I hadn't had the best nights sleep, due to my excitement )

I grabbed my now soaked magazine and threw it into the nearest trash can, sighing to myself I looked down at my now colour drenched hands courtesy of the stupid magazine.

Stepping into the nearest toilet block I washed of my hands, I could hear children's voices in the background - giggling. Me being as nosey as i am, I peered round the large stone wall to see that they were pointing super soaker water guns in my direction.

"Ahh crap" I muttered to myself, sneakily I tiptoed past the wall and through the beach pathway wich lead to the adults pool.

Mwahaha they can't get me in here.

I did a mental happy dance but just as i was about to start walking back to the Hotel room I again heard their voices nearing and suddenly one shouted out.


oh god oh god... I started sprinting

"Noooo you cant even come in here" i shouted back to them but they carried on.

"QUICK GET HER" one shouted out, they were laughing hysterically right now

I ran as fast as my legs would take me away from the surprisingly scary 7 year olds. By now i was panting. Suddenly I heard a NOOO and a crash...

Wincing I looked down to see a young and may i say HOT waiter sprawled across the floor underneath me (he looked about my age)

Even worse i saw a platter with cracked champagne glasses lying broken on the floor by the side of him.

I jilted up as fast as i could, my i say my cheeks were bright crimson - everyone was looking at me with wide eyes now.

"Omygosh - i im soooooooooo s-sorry!"

"er haha" he nudged me and then i realised that i still was lying on top of him. Embarrassed I got up and brushed myself off and put out my hand to help him up; he took it and smiled... smiled?


Okay, so don't hate me but its in 2 parts! and I know i left it in a weird place but yanoooo and i know last time i did this someone in the story died (but dont worry know ones dyeing)

sooooo thank you all! i actually mean it, you inspire me so much and it means the world that this even got 1 view... witch im surprised it did being my first story an all xxxx vote? comment? yeah ya dont have to if ya hate it but if ya like it then yanooo xx

okay so im just rambling now... BYEEEE xxx :D

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