The Train (1)

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Hey! My name is Paige, and I'm the author of this story! This is my first, so any notes would be really helpful, but I've always loved Dramione and it's the majority of fanfics I read. This will be both fluff and smut, because I want it to have an actual story. Please be patient as I'll try to add a part every 1-2 days! Happy reading! <3
Hermione woke up, the compartment shaking faintly on the bumpy train tracks. Damn. She forgot she had the window open. The cool breeze helped to wake her from her groggy state. Sitting next to the window, she only had to reach up and pull it down to close it tight. Now functional, she took deep breaths and tried to assess the time. Ginny had not yet gotten her for the prefect meeting. Ginny was sitting next to Neville and Luna, and Hermione elected to sit alone, mostly to catch up on reading without any distractions.
    Looking out the window to see her view, things looked different. Everything did since the war. A little less lively. Her head turned towards her empty compartment, already missing her two best friends. This year, almost every person in her grade went back to Hogwarts for their 8th year since they all missed exams, and they all needed more education in order to actually get a job. Well, almost everyone did. Harry and Ron got offered to start Auror training a year early because of their service in the war, and they were both more than happy to accept. Hermione did get offered the same deal, but being and Auror was never a desire of hers, and she wanted another year of education in order to truly decide what to do with her life.
    She had many options, and now being a war hero, was sure almost anywhere would take her. Working in the Magical Creatures Department was something, as she had always been passionate about equal rights for all. Potions, specifically healing, was also another area that peaked her interest. Hermione had always been good at potion making, and had a knack for taking care of people, even more so now since hiding out with her best friends during the war. Right now, her main concern was prefect business. Or, head girl business. Of course she couldn't pass up the position. It was always a dream of hers, and even with her busy schedule this year, Hermione was ready to tackle it all.
    "Mione! Are you ready? Seems like the prefect meeting starts in a couple minutes." She heard the redhead speak as she opened the door, interrupting Hermione's thought process. When Hermione didn't answer right away, Ginny spoke and leaned against the doorframe. "And here I was thinking you would be nose-deep in a book by now. Come on, I know Hermione Granger will never ever be late for this."
    "Thanks Ginny, and trust me, I was not going to be late for this. You should know I've prepared for this. What I have not prepared for though," She said as she stood to leave with Ginny, "Is the head boy." Ginny groaned.
    "Oh my god, I forgot about that part. It shouldn't be that bad, right? It certainly seems he's grown up from who he used to be."
    Hermione started walking down the train with Ginny. "This is true, and I'm doing my best not to judge, but we got our letters two months ago. We were supposed to talk about what to bring up during this meeting, and come up with several suggestions to help improve the school this year. McGonagall needs our help rebuilding after the war. But when I owled him a letter asking him about it, It took him three weeks to get back to me. We mailed back and forth a few times, but honestly none of it was helpful and I have no idea if he even has a plan or not."
    "Well, if you ever need my help, I'm not afraid of him. I'll tell him to get in line, Mione." Ginny stated as they were nearing the prefect compartment.
    "It wasn't nearly that bad. And trust me, I can take care of myself, especially with him. But I can't lie, I'm nervous on how this is going to..." Hermione stopped dead in her tracks when she opened the door to the extra-big compartment. He was already there, even earlier than her. His back was turned, and at the sound his head turned, gray eyes meeting golden-brown. "Oh, hi."
    Draco Malfoy turned around fully to look at her.
    "So, I thought for the meeting we would first talk about rounds, and how to deal with blood prejudice students. Obviously those are the main points, but I figured since it's the fifth year's first time, we should take it easy."
    "It sure seems like it," He said. He put his hands in his pockets, and leaned back against the window.
    "I think I'll go get the other prefects..." Ginny said as she turned away awkwardly.
    "Listen Malfoy, I get why you got head boy, but you at least need to work with me here. You're actually really smart, but this isn't something that you can cruise your way through." She stared at him, still in the doorway, unsure of what to do with herself. He kept the eye contact.
    "I'm flattered that you of all people think I'm smart," He said smirking. "But don't think I don't take this seriously. I'm not fifteen anymore." He looked her dead in the eye. It seemed like he really meant it. Hermione looked away, not used to his piercing eyes.
    "Well good, I just wasn't sure what to expect," She said as she slowly took a seat in the compartment. "You were never very clear in your letters, and after everything with..."
    "With what? The war? You can say it Granger, I'm not a hurt puppy." He took a seat across from her, setting his knees wide and giving her his full attention. Holy shit. Hermione's heart was racing. He really had grown up. In more ways than one. She looked him over, taking in his neatly done hair with a few strands going stray across his forehead, white button down shirt with the sleeves at his elbows, and his black slacks. Why. Why. Why. This man was different, and Hermione got goosebumps just looking at him. Her gaze brought her to his eyes. Oh, those eyes. Beautiful, amazing deep pools of gray, with specks of blue. These are the kind of eyes, Hermione thought, that she could look at forever. The kind that never leave your mind. The kind that you see when you close your eyes. The kind that give you butterflies in your stomach. The kind that make your breath quicken and your lips part. The kind that belong to Draco Malfoy.
    Forgetting the past conversation, Hermione asked him a question.
    "Where are your robes? I mean, surely you're not wearing that to Hogwarts right?" Draco's lips tilted upwards, just a little bit.
    "Whats wrong with my outfit, Granger? See something you don't like?" Holy hell. What's he playing at?
    "Come off it, Malfoy. I asked you a question."
    "You haven't answered three of mine either." Hermione huffed in frustration. She had forgotten how he liked to play games like this, and mess with her head. He had always teased her, of course that wouldn't go away. She rolled her eyes.
    "Yes, the war, you're required to wear your school robes, and I guess you look fine," She breathed out. He tilted his head at her, narrowing his eyes, evaluating her response.
    "Hm. Don't worry Granger, my robes are above you on the rack. I'm glad you like my outfit." He was testing her. Teasing her, right? Although, his eyes were on her just as much as her eyes were on him.
    Nope. She wouldn't let herself do that. Malfoy? Yes, she could admit he was hot, but Malfoy? She guessed there was nothing that wrong about him, but she felt it would be awkward because of their history. Sure she could fantasize about him, but she knew in reality it would never happen.
    She leaned forward, challenging him. Two could play this game.
    "Of course I do, anything to boost that huge ego of yours." She said with a smile on her face. He stuck his tongue into his cheek, And actually laughed a bit.
    "Well played." He also leaned forward, leaving little space between them. The smirk he had on his face was enough to make her melt inside, but she would never let him see how he effected her. After all, he could use that to his advantage, if this was really how it was going to be all year. Her golden brown eyes shot to his, not afraid to glare at him for a number of seconds. But he didn't seem angry or annoyed. He looked... devilish. That was the only way to describe the look on his face.
    The compartment door slammed open, and they both immediately jumped back to sit strait in their seats. The rest of the prefects shuffled in around them. She recognized some seventh and sixth years, but no fifth years. She and Draco were the only two eighth years, as none elected to come back this year, seeing as they didn't have to since they already had all the people they needed.
    Hermione looked at Ginny, who gave her a thumbs up, then mouthed to her a question about what the hell was happening between her and Malfoy. Hermione shrugged it off.
    "Well since we're all here, lets get started."
    The meeting went well. It passed by rather quickly, seeing as Malfoy and Hermione actually had a lot of similar ideas. She still wanted to talk to him about details, but that could wait. The meeting was over, and after a few questions from nervous fifth years about prefect duties, and train stopped at Hogsmade station.
    Hermione talked with Ginny on the way to the castle, and rode with her, Luna, and Neville. She was mostly engrossed in her own thoughts, still processing what had happened in that train compartment. She couldn't deny an attraction to him, but she didn't expect it to be so sudden or serious.
    When the carriage came to a stop, she got out, and talked to Luna about the quibbler, which she now followed and rather enjoyed reading. They talked until they got to the great hall, and parted ways for the feast. As soon as they sat down, Ginny was on her.
    "Ok, what? You and Malfoy?" Ginny whisper shouted at her. She looked stunned and confused. "Don't get me wrong, he's definitely hot, but first that weird thing going on during the train ride, and then I catch him glancing your direction the whole trip to the castle. He was in the carriage behind us, you know."
    "He was?" Hermione whipped her head to look at Ginny. "You must be crazy. It's nothing but a silly crush." There was no actual way Malfoy could be into her. There was a possibility, they had all grown since sixth year, but she couldn't put her mind on it. And now that Ginny was latched on to the idea, she would never hear the end of it.
    After the feast was over, she was headed to Gryffindor tower when she heard McGonagall call her name.
    "Ms. Granger, Mr. Malfoy, please come speak to me." Oh god, lets hope there wasn't already something wrong. She headed to the front of the room, Draco doing the same. "Ah yes, there you both are." McGonagall said as they both stood in front of the podium. "There have been some changes to the dormitories. Neither of you will be staying with your houses. You have been granted your own living space with each other, away from everyone else. I know it might not be ideal, but it will be just the two of you alone."

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