The Ball (15)

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The doors opened to the great hall, and the first thing Hermione thought was wow. Everyone had been crammed in the entrance waiting for the clock to strike ten, when the doors would open. As the humongous doors finally let everyone in, Hermione heard the gasps and squeals of fellow students around her.
They all shuffled in excitedly, and Hermione got the overwhelming feeling of joy. She didn't care much for social events, but this was the first real school event since the war, and this was her chance to feel like a teenager again. She suspected everyone else felt the same as well.
Hermione's arm was linked with Draco's, and when they stepped in, she was truly amazing. At first, she had been worried when Ginny didn't allow her to oversee anything for the ball, but damn, was it magical.
The enchanted ceiling was a purple starry night with flashes of tiny gold lightning. The walls were filled with tables of every sweet treat imaginable, including ones shaped to look like werewolves or mummies or vampires, the classic creatures of muggle stories. The tablecloths were even enchanted to have the bottoms look like black smoke, spilling out onto the floor. Tables of big and small were at the front of the hall, right by the entrance. But the dance floor was at the back. Oh, how it looked perfectly spooky and splendid.
It was lined with carved pumpkins from Hagrid's garden, and fake tombstones that looked a hundred years old. There was a glass platform below it, perfectly clear, so it looked as if you were a ghost, dancing mid air.
Hermione saw people step up on the platform to test it, and once their feet were on it, the glass glowed green, orange and purple were they stepped. She almost laughed when she saw a first year look terrified that he was going to drop to his death.
"The place looks lovely, doesn't it?" She said as she turned her head to Draco. He looked back at her thoughtfully.
"I guess that's a word you could use, yes."
"Don't be so sarcastic. The rest of the prefects did a great job, and they worked hard on it. And the elves in the kitchen made all of this delicious food, which looks positively stunning." Draco guided her to a two person table and sat before giving his reply.
"I don't discredit them. Here, why don't I get us some drinks, and then we can dance later if you want."
He got up from the table as Hermione grinned at him.
The night passed joyfully, and Hermione danced to the rock band they had hired until her feet hurt. She talked to Draco most of the night, and ran into Luna as well.
"Yes, it seems to me though that this really isn't all that scary."
"Whatever do you mean, Luna?" Luna tilted her head.
"Well, I just think that if you were really going for spooky or scary, you'd do something a little different. If it were me put in charge, I would have gotten some dead animals or blood for decorations, really frightened people, you know?"
Hermione was stunned for a second and didn't know how to reply. She was about to just agree with her, as there was no use dissuading her, until she heard someone call out for Luna. She turned her head to see Blaize Zabini walking towards them.
It took Hermione a split second to analyze him before it hit her. Luna was in a dark blue gown that sparkled like stars, and Blaize was in a dark blue tux with a white lily to compliment it, which Luan was wearing on her wrist.
"Oh my goodness! Wait-"
"Shh! Keep your voice down Granger, or the whole school will hear you." She looked from Blaize to Luna, then back again. Blaize sighed.
"Yes, me and Luna are here together. I don't know why you're so surprised." Hermione gave him a confounded look before Luna caught her attention.
"See, Blaize and I have kind of been a thing for the past month. But we just weren't sure how our friends would react. I mean, take your face for instance."
Hermione laughed and let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.
"I'm not mad, if that's what your asking. I think this is good, as long as you're both happy. You won't get any disapproving looks from me." Hermione held her hands up in defense. "I mean, even if you do break her heart Blaize, I think Luna would find a way to haunt you forever."
"I don't doubt it." All three of them sighed, as the tension was now over. Hermione heard slow music being played in the direction of the dance floor, and she wondered if her presence here was now weird. Hermione felt awkward standing right there though, as Blaize probably wanted to spend some time with Luna alone.
That was when she felt a hand grasp her arm and yank her away in the direction of the dance floor. She only caught up with reality again when she was stopped and lifted onto the glass platform.
"Draco Malfoy, what the hell was that?" She looked up at him to see his smug face.
"Sorry, was I too abrupt?" She scoffed as his hand slipped around her waist, and the other grabbed hers so they could dance. "I just couldn't resist a dance."
God, this boy.
"It's fine. I didn't expect you to be a gentlemen."
"Ouch. That low of standards for me, huh?"
"No, I just mean I expected you to be yourself." She smiled up at him.
"Good. You're not getting anyone else. Especially not that wanker who looked at you in that disgusting manner."
"Pretty sure that was just your imagination, Malfoy."
"Granger, trust me. With that dress, and just the way you look, it's enough for me to be suspicious of any man who looks your way."
"Your being silly."
"I'm serious. Thank god no one but me is getting this close to you, because you smell like heaven." She exhaled and looked up at him. He was dead serious, no more games now.
She let her hand fully relax on his neck as her head rested on his shoulder. They stayed like that for a long time.
After a couple minutes, she could tell Draco was getting restless. He kept caressing her waist, and sometimes moving it lower, only for a second. He had pulled her closer, so that most of his body was pressed against hers. She could feel him breathing unsteady into her hair, and she knew he wasn't thinking about that wanker anymore.
In one fell swoop, he whisked her away, and guided her towards the back entrance of the great hall. He must know the castle well, because he led them down a path with precision, until they ended up in a broom closet.
She spun around to see what surrounded her.
"Draco, what are we doing here?"
"Hermione, I swear to god you're trying to kill me." He backed her up against the wall and pinned her there. "Ever since I saw you in that dress, I've wanted to rip it to shreds."
Hermione knew this was a bad idea. She knew they should just get back to dancing. She knew that the look in his eyes was dangerous. She also knew that she wanted this, right now, more than anything.
Her lips crashed into hers with a fire she didn't know she needed. His tongue demanded access to her mouth, and she greedily gave it to him. His hand came up around her throat and squeezed, making her moan into his mouth.
These kisses were unlike anything she had ever experienced. Their previous kisses were nothing like this, tame compared to this. He towered over her as he drew their bodies closer, his hand grasping her waist.
Her hands came up to tangle in his hair, and that made him crazier. The kisses were unbelievably deep as she struggled to breath from his tongue and his hand, but she wouldn't dare break away now.
Draco broke away momentarily, and Hermione was about to beg him to start kissing her again until he bent down and lifted her dress. His hands found their way to her thighs and she gasped as his fingers skimmed their way higher. He grasped the backs of her tights and lifted her.
She brought her legs around his waist as he pressed her more firmly against the wall. His mouth descended on hers again, and she welcomed it with a moan. This was everything she needed. Her world melted away and all she could feel was Draco.
His lips went to her neck, and he sucked on her pulse point until she was moaning. He kissed along her chest, then back up to her mouth.. He but her bottom lip before his tongue was in her once more, and Hermione was amazed at how good he could make her feel.
He then grabbed ahold of her hips and ground them against his, making Hermione whimper. Draco made a sound similar to a growl against Hermione's mouth before he pulled away to speak.
"I desperately need to fuck you right now, but I don't think it would be proper to do it in a broom closet."
"I honestly don't care." She let out a breath and looked him in the eyes. He might have needed this just as much as she did. "Draco, please."
He gave her a sly smile then let her down from the wall. Hermione was confused until Draco's hands came to her back, quickly and expertly undoing the zipper and lacing.
In a matter of moments, her dress fell to the floor, and she was left in her slip and heels.
"You look absolutely gorgeous." Hermione blushed, but was in no state to take her time.
She rushed as she reached for Draco's tux, and pushed it over his shoulder as he let it fall to the floor. Hermione yanked his shirt from where it had been oh so nicely tucked into his pants, and basically ripped the shirt open, letting some of the buttons scatter to the floor.
He picked her back up, and Hermione slammed against the wall as Draco's hunger intensified. His hands cupped her face as he gave her a bruising kiss, a kind of kiss that made Hermione's stomach flutter just thinking about it.
Her mind was practically gone, and she didn't know how to explain it. She had never wanted anyone this badly in her life. So when she heard the belt buckle being undone, she almost gave a cry of relief.
It was only a few seconds before she felt Draco's trousers slip to the floor, and she felt his finger hook her underwear.
"Are you sure?" He was breathless as he said it, and it made Hermione grow even more needy.
"Yes, please."
At that, he tore off Hermione's underwear, and she was almost sad she had lost a pair. But she felt something nudge her entrance, and she whimpered in anticipation.
They looked into each other's eyes, and Hermione saw what she could only describe as possession.
He slammed into her, and Hermione cried out.
"You feel so good, Hermione, god."
Hermione keened and her head fell against the wall. Oh my god, he felt amazing. He felt so large, stretching her, making her head spin.
Draco rolled his hips once, and they both moaned. He did it again, and got more confident.
"You're going to be the death of me, Granger."
He started off slow, and Hermione guessed it was for her. It did take her a moment to get used to his size, but she needed more.
She rolled her hips against him harder, and he gasped. She started picking up their pace, and she looked at Draco.
"Draco, I need you. Please give me what I want." He paused for only a second before gripping her hips and driving so deep into her, Hermione nearly screamed.
He set a punishing pace, hitting into her so hard and fast, Hermione could barely breathe. She loved it.
She moaned endlessly as though her body could do nothing else, and it spurred him on more.
One of his hands came down to circle her clit, and she gave a feral sound. He then started to rock into her impossibly harder, with Hermione being slammed against the wall over and over.
She screamed as he gave her everything.
"You love it, don't you?" He whispered in her ear. "Screaming for me."
"Yes. Yes. Yes." She moaned out her words as she drew closer to the edge.
The coil in her core was on fire now, and she knew she would be there soon. He wound her up tighter and tighter until she was almost there.
"That's it Hermione, scream for me."
A few more moments, and she was there, and she screamed his name as her climax hit her like a freight train.
He was there soon after, and Hermione felt like she had entered a blissful paradise that she would never again see.
After a minute of shared breaths and pants, Draco gently let Hermione down from the wall. She leaned against it for a moment, wondering if she were going to be able to walk in heels for the rest of the night. She put a hand to her forehead, and her mind went over the reality of what she had just done.
The first time she and Draco had sex, and it had been in a broom closet. Well, she guessed she didn't sign up for anything glamorous with this friends with benefits thing. It was her fault really, she could have said no. But she didn't regret it, and she hoped Draco felt the same.
"Well, I hope we didn't miss anything important." Hermione turned to see Draco smoothing out his pants, already dressed.
"Are you in a rush?"
"What? No!" Draco moved towards her. "It's just that in about ten minutes, we're supposed to give a speech on how great this ball is, and I don't really want to barge in at the last minute."
"Wait, is that really in TEN MINUTES?" She made a move towards her dress, but when she took a step, she stumbled, Draco catching her around the waist. "I'm so sorry, I seem to be a mess."
"Honestly, I'm flattered." Hermione rolled her eyes, and made to keep moving when Draco stopped her. "You should take it easy right now, just give your body a few moments. I'll help you dress."
Hermione huffed, but nodded her head in agreement. She went back against the wall as Draco picked up her dress and cast a cleaning spell on it. After a moment, he guided her off the wall.
"Lift your arms, love." She did, and he very delicately slipped the dress over her upper body. He then slowly turned her around and started to fasten the dress, and Hermione knew he had done this before.
"Thank you," She said as she turned around to face him.
"Alright love, I'm going to cast a steadying charm on you, and you should be good while you gain your balance."
Hermione didn't think she had been called 'love' all her life, and here Draco Malfoy was, standing before her, saying it casually not once, but twice.
They walked out of the closet together, and they found their way back to the great hall. Slipping in unnoticed, Hermione saw they had four minutes to spare. Thank Merlin. If her and Draco had been caught, she was sure it would be the most horrifying experience. Not because of what the students would say, but what the school would do.
Ginny found them a couple minutes later and dragged them behind the dance floor.
"Ok, so, you know what you want to say?"
They both nodded, and Ginny went ahead on stage to announce them. God, Hermione hated public speaking.
As soon as Ginny was done, she went and stepped onto the glass, Draco by her side. He started off.
"We just want to say thank you all for coming to this event that people like Ginny Weasley, the head coordinator for this, worked so hard for. It has been amazing to be able to plan a school event that was actually fun for a change." He earned a few snickers from the crowd, then looked to Hermione.
"Yes, sorry to interrupt, but we thought you would want to here from us just how happy it makes us to see everyone come together as a school and just throw away their cares for one night."
"Have a great rest of your evening."
After the nerve racking experience, Hermione spent the rest of the evening talking to some friends and with Draco. They talked about things like what teacher was the best, or what subject was the most awful. They spoke of their study habits and guilty pleasures, their secret passages and shortcuts to getting around.
When the night ended, everyone exited the great hall tired, drunk, high, or all three.
Draco and Hermione walked back to their dorm in silence, for they had both had a long night. But before they could get all the way there, they heard a shout from down the hall.
They turned to see Theodore Nott with a pissed look on his face.
Hermione turned to Draco to get some type of hint as to what this was about, and his
Face shown of not confusion, but guilt. Hermione suddenly got a sick feeling in her stomach.
"Draco, do you know what this is about?"
He didn't answer.
Theo was right before them now, and he looked drunk and ready for a fight.
"Of course he knows what this is about, huh?" He looked back from Hermione to Draco, then back again. "Should you tell her, or should I?"
"Tell me what?"
Silence. Draco just looked at her from the corner of his eye, and his gray pupils showed a look of shame.
"Tell me what!!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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