Propinquity (2)

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"Excuse me?" Hermione must have been dreaming. Well, not dreaming, because she would never dream of this. She shook her head with disbelief. "Headmistress, there's got to be a mistake. Why can't we just stay in our own dormitories?"
    "Well, I'm glad you've asked. Over the years, I've gotten several complaints from staff and students that there is no house unity, especially between head boy and girl when they are from different houses. I know you two don't quite get along, so I think this will be a good, needed change for both of you." She looked Draco and Hermione right in the eye. "Also, since the battle, the castle has had a little renovation, and I feel it's more convenient to only have one head dorm instead of four."
    "Listen," Draco piped up. "Headmistress, I get where you're coming from, but you don't have any doubts about this at all? I mean, you chose us two."
    "You're quite right, Mr. Malfoy. I did choose both of you, and for good reason. I feel that with time, you will get along rather well with one another. It's located right by the astronomy tower." McGonagall smiled to herself as she turned to leave towards the staff wing. "Oh, and one thing I forgot to mention. It's got a library."
    Hermione screamed internally. She could only imagine what kind of library the head dorm would have. Certainly no books already in the main library. Oh, she had barely thought of books since she got here. Who was she turning into? When she turned to leave, Malfoy did the same. She spoke first.
    "Well, I guess we'll have to walk together, since we're going to the same place."
    "Very well, Granger." And they started their walk. When they got to the grand staircase, Draco cleared his throat. "I should start off by saying that I'm pretty easy to live with. I'll probably be gone half the time you're there." Hermione sighed with relief. At least she wouldn't have to look at his face that much. But, they still had to work together. Hermione was being silly! This was Draco Malfoy, she could get over this.
    "Well, we do still have to plan together. We have to organize schedules, plan school events, and other head duties." Hermione said as they climbed one of the staircases.
    "That is true, but please Granger, do not expect me to become friends with you. It might be more than I can bear." That ferret. He thinks he's so smart, trying to get a reaction out of her. "Plus, I'll most likely want to spend my time in my own common room."
    "Suite yourself." Hermione shrugged. They reached the astronomy wing, and after a few minutes of silence, found their room. Hermione looked down at the letter she got during the summer, which gave her the password. "Propinquity." She muttered. She heard Draco chuckle at the word. "Something funny?"
    "Oh, nothing. Just the unusual word choice. When you think of it, McGonagall probably picked the word out herself." Draco opened the door, revealing a beautiful common room. Hermione nearly gasped and forgot about Malfoy's comment when she took in the room before her. It had something for every house. Potted plants and greenery, Dark green sofas with black side tables, a beautiful fireplace with stone griffins above it, and an absolutely gorgeous ceiling with a painting of a blue, starry night. It was wonderful, but no library in sight. She was woken from her aghast state when she heard Draco's voice from another room.
    "Shit, Granger. You're going to absolutely freak out." He had the door open to a room on the left, and it looked as though he was actually smiling as he looked back at her. She rushed over to the room, brushing past Daco. Hermione's eyes went wide at the sight.
    It was a grand library. Well, that may be an understatement. It was the most astonishing thing Hermione had ever seen in her life. Every wall filled with shelves two stories high, floor to ceiling. Every shelf filled with book after book on every subject imaginable. Even a few shelves of muggle books. She actually squealed and jumped with excitement. It was magnificent, and Hermione wore a smile she had only wore in her happiest moments.
    She turned back to Draco in the doorway, finding him looking at her. The expression on his face wasn't smug, annoyance, or anything devious. It seemed he was actually happy for her. It almost looked as though he enjoyed her happiness. Then he came towards her, also looking around the room.
    "Yes, it is rather lovely. I had expected this room to be enchanted, but nothing of this size crossed my mind." Draco's eyes brightened as his skimmed along the shelves. Hermione looked at his face. She had forgotten that he liked reading nearly just as much as her. Maybe this wouldn't be half bad.
    "Well, if there was any chance of me spending time in the Gryffindor common room, there isn't one now," Hermione laughed out. Between all the studying and free reading she would be doing in this library, she feared she would have no social life at all.
    "I might agree with you there." Draco turned to her, sighing. "I have to be honest, I was lying earlier when I said I would be in my own common room. I actually kind of hate it there. One half of my house hates me, and the others are still stuck-up."
    "Wow. Ok. Well, as long as you aren't insufferable all the time, this might actually work." Draco's expression changed when she said that, growing amused.
    "Oh, Granger. You might not be able to handle me all the time. I saw the way you looked at me on the train." His smile was devious, and Hermione went still.
    "Please! I heard you couldn't keep your eyes off me the whole way to the castle," Hermione retorted. She crossed her arms and awaited Malfoy's response. He was enjoying this. Only when started coming closer, his eyes boring into hers, did she realize she went too far.
"Alright, Granger. If you're so sure about that, how about we play a little game?" He was so close, Hermione could feel his breathe. His mouth was turned upwards when he said, "We stop looking at each other. Eyes, hands, bodies, everything. And the first one to break wins."
"Malfoy, no. That's insane!" She said looking up at him. He leaned in closer.
"But you haven't even heard the prize yet." Hermione felt shivers down her spine. "The person who loses has to admit what they want to do to the other." She couldn't breathe. This was dangerous. She showed a look of unsureness on her face, and Malfoy saw. "Granger, Granger, Granger. Let's have some fun. It's only a game. Nothing serious." Hermione wanted to tell him no, but she wasn't one to back down from a challenge.
"Draco Malfoy, you have a deal." There was fire in her eyes. She was going to win this. Mostly for her sanity. No matter how fast her heart was beating. Draco suddenly went to leave the room, but before he did, he left her with one thought.
"God, I love the way you say my name."

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