Get Some Sleep (11)

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    This kiss was unlike the others. It was soft and gentle. Well, at least at first.
    Seconds passed, and Draco's hands came up to cup Hermione's face. He was so good at this. Why did he have to be so good at this?
    Hermione sighed into the kiss and Draco took the opportunity to open her mouth. He tasted like firewhiskey and bad decisions. But at the moment, Hermione couldn't possibly think of any reason why this shouldn't be happening. It might be the alcohol. Yep. That was definitely the reason why she was so giddy to be kissing him again.
    All her thoughts vanished when his hand went down to her waist and gripped her impossibly tight. Hermione whimpered and grabbed his shirt, crumpling it with a fist. God, she loved this part.
    The kisses grew more desperate as they were brought closer together by their own desire. She felt amazing. His touch ignited her as Hermione wanted to melt into his arms. His other hand dropped to her hip, and he made a low growl.
    At the sound, Hermione moaned and kissed him harder. It became more rushed. How many times had she secretly wished this would happen over the past month? She had lost count.
    Draco picked up Hermione and shifted them both so she was straddled on his lap.
    "God, you look so perfect," He whispered against her lips. His mouth went to travel down her throat, nipping along the way. The way he spoke of her when they were together; it did something to Hermione.
    She gasped as he bit near her collarbone and ground down on him. Draco made a sound like a hum and brought his face back to hers. His eyes were like fire as she ground on him again. Both of Draco's hands slid to her hips and gripped her posessively there. Hermione gasped against his lips.
    "Are you trying to kill me?" There was a dangerous look in his eyes.
    "Will you let me?" Hermione knew saying something like that was a risk, but she felt so amazing and confident. Draco seemed to worship her in times like this. He stared at her for a moment before replying.
    His mouth went to hers instantly. He demanded entrance into her mouth and she moaned as she let him explore. Hermione's hands tangled in his hair as she got lost in the heat of the moment. She held him just as tight as he held her. Draco bit her lip and Hermione made an almost animalistic sound.
    Draco then gripped Hermione's hips with more force (it was sure to leave marks), and forcefully ground her hips down against his. The heat in her abdomen grew, and need filled her body. He was perfect. Kissing her like she was the center of his universe.
    Draco set a steady rhythm, and soon they were both lost to emotion. Hermione couldn't stop making noise each time she ground against him. It was crazy. She felt high on Draco. They broke apart, and Draco's mouth went to her ear.
    "When we're in class, I want you to think of us just like this." His pace went a little faster. "Every time I annoy you, or beat you to a question, I want you to think of how you moan for me." Hermione whimpered and the fire in her body grew. She was hot all over, and the combination of Dracos words mixed with his hips had her reeling. "Every time you loathe me, I want you to think of how good I can make you feel."
    She couldn't take it anymore. Draco went faster, both of their need taking control. She needed him like he needed her. She didn't even keep track of the sounds she made as she was drawn impossibly closer to the edge. She was right there.
    And just before she broke, Draco whispered one last thing.
    "Can you picture you, coming for me? Please, Hermione?"
    Hermione nearly screamed as she saw stars. It was amazing. She felt as though her bones were made of liquid. Nothing had ever felt this good.
    After a minute of heavy breathing, Draco gently set Hermione down on the couch. He kissed the top of her head before he went to his room.
    "Get some sleep. You'll be needing it."
    When Hermione woke up, she had the strangest feeling. She sat up, and recalled some of the events that had occurred the night before. Was that her? Was she really that girl who got off just by sitting in Draco Malfoy's lap? It had to have been the alcohol. At least that's what she kept telling herself.
    As she got ready, she thought about the deal that had been made. Since her and Draco agreed to be friends with benefits, she figured things would go back to normal. Politeness in public, the occasional, weird encounter when they actually had a laugh, and the rest of the time head boy and girl.
    She could do this. Hermione looked in the mirror.
    Oh, god. She could not do this. She had never been the type of girl to just be attracted to someone physically. Her emotions just had to get involved, even in the most inconvenient of times. And she wasn't even that good with vulnerability anyway. She was just really good at getting people to vent all their problems on her.
    What had she gotten herself into?
    She tried her best to distract her mind. What she should be doing was making sure everything for her tutoring lesson tonight was intact. Arithmancy was a tricky subject, but beautiful once you got the hang of it.
    She went down to the great hall to get some fruit and tea for breakfast, than head back to her dorm to finish up on homework before the new week started. As she entered, her eyes subconsciously looked for Draco at his usual spot at the Slytherin table.
    The table was almost fully packed every morning, so it was hard to make out one face in particular. There were more Slytherins than any other house this year, since almost all the seventh years had to return for an eighth year as penalty for their roll in the war.
    Hermione thought that was partially unfair. Most of these kids knew no better than to believe the lies that their parents had sold them about blood prejudice. Most of them didn't even fight in the battle of Hogwarts anyways. They were just getting punished for the actions of their parents.
    And it seemed that most of the Slytherin students after the war changed a bit. A lot of them had quit the blood prejudice beliefs after Voldemort went down. Hermione assumed it had something to do with the parents being sentenced to azkaban. She imagined that knowing some of Draco's experience, that having a parent thrown in jail must make you rethink your life.
    She was grateful for the changes of heart. She had even gotten a letter from Blaize Zabini over the summer personally apologizing to her for the role he played in the war, and for causing her any harm over the years by making fun of her.
    Hermione didn't really care anymore about the silly stuff she got teased about as a child, but from time to time, it was nice to know that someone was actually remorseful for their actions.
    She had also gotten an apology from the Greengrass sisters after Draco's trial. They hadn't particularly done anything to Hermione over the years, but she remembered how Daphne specifically said how their silence was inexcusable.
    Theodore Nott had also given a sort-of apology. Hermione wasn't sure if he was doing it out of obligation, or if he was just really bad at apologies. After Draco's trial, he had approached her and told her something about how his role in the war was really just his father's plan and not his, and how he regrets that he would ever fall for something like that. Afterwards he seemed to go frigid when he was finished rambling and mumbled something about seeing Draco.
    The only one from that friend group she didn't get an apology from was Pansy Parkinson.
    Hermione didn't really mind. Her and Pansy had never really gotten along anyways, blood prejudice aside. They were just very different people, and Hermione was ok with the fact that she couldn't be friends with everyone.
    Her head cleared as she continued to search for Draco. No such luck. But, as she was searching, she caught the eye of a certain best friend of his. He noticed her staring, and gave her a puzzled look. As embarrassment flooded Hermione and she looked away, realization dawned on him.
    She rushed out of the great hall, flushed. She took a second to breath, then went to walk back to her dorm.
    The walk was long and boring, and she was well in need of nourishment by the time she got there. But when she turned the corner on the last hallway, someone was already leaning against the wall by her dorm.
    "Hermione Granger," He said. "You and I need to have a little talk."

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