Don't Stop (7)

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She was kissing him. She was kissing him and it felt unlike anything she had ever felt before. They stood there for a few seconds before Draco grabbed her shoulders and pushed her back. Oh. So she was right. He didn't actually want to snog her. She looked up at Draco ready to apologize, when he pulled her back more firmly and kissed her.
Oh god.
Hermione was falling. One hand was at the nape of her neck, the other tangled in her hair as he kissed her breathless. She felt his tongue and opened her mouth for him, and they both moaned as they deepened the kiss. She guessed she had been wrong. He did want her just as much as she wanted him.
When she walked away after confronting him in the astronomy tower, she was so flustered. She didn't know what to think. He called her by her first name. She liked it so much that she had to stop and walk away. She never thought that something like this could happen, and yet what she felt for Malfoy was slowly creeping up on her, distracting her from every other aspect of her life. So when she got back to her dorm, she decided to take a risk.
Hermione was not usually a risk taker, and liked to stay where she was comfortable. But after her conversation with Ginny, she realized nothing might ever happen if she didn't initiate it. Because she couldn't lie to herself: she wanted this to happen. She took Ginny's advice and figured she should just get the tension over with now. And as she was kissing him, Hermione thought that was a good decision.
He started to back her up against a table, and lifted her from behind her thighs so she could sit on it. He greedily opened her legs and stepped between them as the fire in Hermione's abdomen grew. She tangled her fingers in his hair; she couldn't get enough of him. The hand on her neck snuck down to waist to hold her tighter. His lips left hers to trail down her neck, and when he reached her collarbone and lightly nipped there, she moaned. She could feel his smirk as he kissed up to her ear, across her jaw, and down the other side of her neck. She felt him pause for a second.
"Please," She whispered. "Please don't stop. Don't ever stop." He drew his head from her neck to look into her eyes. His smirk grew wider.
"I was hoping you would say that." He crushed his lips against hers, both his hands going to her waist to pull her impossibly closer. Hermione felt golden. She was sure nothing had ever felt as good as kissing Draco Malfoy. Her thoughts scattered as she could only think of how unbelievably good his hands felt on her. One of his hands pulled her t-shirt from her skirt and went under it to grab her bare skin while the other dropped behind her knee to bring it higher against him. She whimpered into his mouth. Hermione would never forget the hold he had on her. He suddenly brought her hips forward to the edge of the table with the hand on her waist, and rolled his hips against her. Hermione tore her lips from his and made a sound she never even dreamed of making. The hand on her waist went up to loosen her tie and unbutton the top buttons of her shirt. He pressed hot, open-mouthed kisses down her chest, and she was practically gasping for air. Hermione was lost in a sea of her emotions. How could Draco Malfoy feel this good? She couldn't breathe and it was like falling through an endless hole in the floor as she tried to get a grip. God, he was amazing. She grabbed his face to pull his lips back to hers when-
They heard a knock at the door.
Malfoy pulled away and was straightening her up in a second. Re-buttoning her shirt, fixing her tie, and smoothing out her hair before he grabbed her on the waist and set her down. She was still breathing heavily as he went to open the door.
"Headmistress McGonagall? It's after curfew."
"You're quite right Mr. Malfoy, but there's a matter I would like to discuss with you." Hermione stared blankly as she took in McGonagall, still recovering from the events of twenty seconds ago.
"Of course, headmistress, come in." Hermione gestured to the sofas, and they all sat down. McGonagall spoke first.
"I first want to say how happy I am that the first prefect meeting today ran so smoothly. But there is one issue that I need your help on." Draco responded before Hermione could.
"We'd be happy to help."
"Well, as you know, last year at Hogwarts was a horrible time indeed. Even with death eaters roaming the castle, me and most of the staff tried their hardest to keep everyone safe, as well as learning. But, with the year being such a mess, I'm afraid quite a lot of students have fallen behind." Hermione had no idea where she was going with this. "Because so many students did not get the proper education they needed last year, they are already falling behind in classes. I want you two to tutor them."
"Sorry, what?" Hermione was at a loss for words. Tutoring? On top of her busy schedule?
"I know that both of you are extremely busy as it is studying for seven NEWTS with head duties, but you two are the smartest students in this school. I truly believe that you can help these children with their studies." Hermione thought long and hard about what the headmistress was asking. If McGonagall really believed she could do it, it couldn't be that hard. Right? God knows how long it would take to plan lessons and grade their work, but as she thought it over, she could make time. She would just never do anything fun ever again.
"I can't speak for Malfoy, but I for one agree."
"I also can as well."
"Excellent! Now, you two won't be handling all the students, as I have already talked to some other students willing to do the job, but I have planned for you to tutor kids struggling in the most difficult subjects, such as DADA." McGonagall stood to leave, clearly on a tight schedule and not wanting any complaints. "I will owl you soon with the list of kids and times they are available. I wish you the best of luck." With that she stepped through the door and left. Hermione turned to look at Malfoy, and when his gray eyes shot to hers, she suddenly remembered what they were doing before McGonagall knocked on their door.
"So, would you like to talk about what hap-"
"No." Malfoy cut her off abruptly, a cold look on his face. Not a cold look, but a mask.
"Malfoy, I think if we just talk about what we're feeling then-"
"Granger, I said no. I do not want to talk about it."
"Oh come on! I'm so confused about what's happening here! I just want to know what you're thinking."
"The thing I'm thinking is that what we just did was a mistake and should never happen again. I'm sorry if I gave the wrong impression. We have class in the morning, goodnight." He turned to his room and slammed the door behind him. Hermione had seen the expression on his face. It was a mask, a ruse. His eyes always gave him away, and he had a habit of making eye contact with her, whether he realized it or not. She knew he probably didn't mean the words, but they hurt nonetheless. Draco would rather yell at her than admit he was into her. Maybe it was just physical for him. It was for Hermione at first, but if she ever were to get involved with him, she knew she'd develop feelings.
But it didn't matter anymore. She went to her room and got ready for bed, thinking about how much this boy was changing her life. She knew it would be different from now on though. He wouldn't be kind, he'd be cold. He'd be civil, but nothing more.
Draco Malfoy had shut her out.

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