My Princess

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The sun rose brighter today or it's just me who is happy to see her in my dreams again.

She too came into my dreams last night, like when she doesn't? Those black orbs, that beautiful smile, that cute face. Uff!

Last night when she crashed into me, never in this fucking boring life I ever imagined we would be this close.

I touched her. I touched her skin. Her skin is so damn soft. She had no idea what was happening last night. No freaking idea.

She was so lost that she didn't even realize that I was holding her waist. 

She got scared after a few minutes.

No princess, don't get scared.

But that guy came and took my princess away from me. I wanted to cut him in pieces when I saw him holding my princess.

Damn, is she even coming to your dream man? 

Leave her, I'll take her with me.


I got a call from Nisha. She said she will be out tonight. She needs to party. 

Nisha Roy has been my girlfriend for a few months now. I don't love her, she knows I don't but she still wants to be with me. 

I always find her flirting and sleeping around but I don't even fucking care. 

I never felt any emotions or knew I had some but when I saw my princess for the first time in New York where I felt every emotion in me and I liked them. 

Her smile was like a drug to me. She's always so careless but still careful about her surroundings. 

She's a mystery to me and I wanted to solve it.

People will call me crazy if I say I extended my stay in New York for 4 years just to see her. 

The first time I saw her was when she was sitting on a bench in Central Park. She was reading a book and eating a pastry. She had a smile on her face. 

I guessed she was enjoying her book.

My feet couldn't move any further, it was like they were glued. 

My heart skipped a beat or two I think. She was not even trying to get any attention, she was simply reading a book. At that exact moment, I knew I was attracted to her. 

Anyone noticing that scene will call me a creep. Not that I care. 

If looking at this beauty makes me a creep, then I'm fine with that.

Then I started jogging in Central Park every day just to see her.

This routine of mine continued for almost four years. 

She would sit at the same place, eat her pastries, and read the book.

Someday she won't come and those days were the worst ones, like my heart's getting torn apart. Her eyes, her smile, and she became my drug and I'm addicted to her.

I thought of hiring a PI to get all her information but my conscience forbade me.

You must be thinking, why have I spent four years only admiring her from afar but never approached her? 

Well! I was scared. Scared that she might already have someone and she'd reject me. I don't know if I love her or not, because love is a foreign feeling for me but she sure tugged a few of my heartstrings.

She used to come alone. For almost 3 years she used to come alone and sit at her constant place.

Then one day she came with some people.

𝑬𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝑪𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒆: 𝑺𝒉𝒂𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒔𝒆𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒔 Where stories live. Discover now