Five Stages Of Grief

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Shocked, betrayed and hurt is all I feel right now.

I just kept looking at him and his eyes were looking at me.
Moist eyes. Well, that's new.

Our staring contest came to an end when Ms. Roy cleared her throat.

“I know my boyfriend is handsome but he's off the market,” she said and laughed a little

Basically telling me “ Stay away from my man, bitch”

“Baby thank you for the flowers,” she said and Kiyansh walked past me to give the flowers he dropped a while ago.

“They're my favorite '' she said and smelled the flowers.

Keyword- tried to.

“Are you okay now?” Kiyansh asked her.

Well yeah she's not dead now, is she?

“Yeah, baby. Dr. Arora and Dr Mukherjee are the best” she said while pointing towards me.

Kiyansh looked at me again but I averted my eyes.

Not in the position to even look at his green hazel ones.

“Thank you, Dr. Arora,” Kiyansh said to me.

“No need to thank me. This is my job” I tried to fake a smile and I did.

“You guys know each other,” Ms. Roy asked.

“I read her nameplate” Kiyansh answered

Well yeah. We don't know each other.  never know each other ever again.

“Ohh yeah, I'm so dumb,” Ms. Roy said answer laughing a little

“Well nice to meet you Mr…” but before I could say Ms.Roy said “ Raghuvanshi.  Kiyansh Raghuvanshi”

I know that girl.

“Yeah. Mr. Raghuvanshi”

“Well, I have to go. My shift ended hours ago.” I faked a smile again and came out of the room.

The suffocation I felt. The uneasiness I felt.
I wanted to cry. Why? Because I started liking him.
I started liking the way he called me princess.  Every day he wouldn't miss greeting me.
But I guess he did the same with his real girlfriend.


“I can't believe this. There must be a misunderstanding” Varun tried to control the situation.

Right now we are at a Korean restaurant, savoring Korean BBQ and soju.
Only one thing was missing a good Korean drama.

My heart was broken and I could feel the pieces.

“Oh shut up. He didn't deny her calling him her boyfriend. What more proofs do we need” Prisha said.

“Right,” Varun said and poured me and himself some Soju.

After telling them the whole story I stay silent.
I was not reacting to anything or speaking.
Just eating and drinking.

There were almost 100 missed calls and a thousand messages from Kiyansh but I didn't respond to any of those.
Why would I? I'm broken here.

Apparently, there were tons of articles about Kiyansh and Nisha:

Billionaire Crown Prince of Devgarh has recently been spotted outside a private hospital in Delhi. Rumors have it that he is visiting his girlfriend model/ influencer Nisha Roy.

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