Rhys Larsen

58 9 0


As the rays of sunlight danced casting a warm glow upon her room, the life of the Arora woke up with groans and irritation.

Her eyes wanted to stay glued but her alarm clock wanted something else.
She heard someone banging on her door.
Keeping her eyes closed she walked to the door to open and saw her enemy standing.

Jigar Ahuja

“What” Anwesha shouted
He smirked and asked- “ Did I wake you up sista”
She gritted her teeth and closed the door on his face.
Rubbing her eyes she again went inside the duvet.
Weekends meant so much to Anwesha.
De-stressing, relaxing, chilling, eating, and sleeping were the only things she did.

After a few minutes, she heard Jigar banging on her door and calling her.


[My dear sister wake up]

“Wake up wake up wake up wake up sista” he banged on her door again

By now Anwesha was wide awake, seething with anger.
If she had a gun near she sure would have shot him today.
She got up, went to her bathroom, washed her face, and brushed her teeth.
Put on sunscreen and wore her gym outfit.

The banging of the door stopped a few minutes ago. She opened the door and went down to grab Jigar's neck and twist it.

She saw her family all sitting in the living room and talking about something.
Ayushman saw his sister and smiled. Anwesha smiled at him but suddenly her expression changed looking at Jigar who was carelessly sitting on the couch scrolling on his phone.

“Good morning beta,” Ajay said
“Good Morning precious,” Ayushman said
But her mother said something else-
“What's wrong? This is not the usual time for you to wake up,” to which she yawned and said nothing.

Anwesha greeted everyone and looked at Jigar.

“Jigar Ahuja you're so dead” she shouted

Jigar gulped. He knew he'd be dead in any minute now.
He looked up and gave an innocent smile to her sister.
Ayushman understood in a second that this Tom and Jerry duo is definitely going to create mayhem in the house.
Ayushman signaled his parents to sit and enjoy.

“Tera kaan andha hai kya, sunai nahi de raha tujhe. I'm freaking calling your name Jigar Ahuja” she shouted at him

[ Are your ears blind? Can't you listen to that I'm calling you Jigar Ahuja]

“Ohh yeah, I just forgot my name,” Jigar tittered and looked at everyone.
“Why were you calling me sista” he questioned his sista with so much adoration.

“Why the hell did you bang on my door and ruin my sleep” she screamed

“Ohh that. I just thought that I shouldn't let you sleep in peace.” he teased

Anwesha glared at Jigar as if he were a mosquito buzzing around her head, annoying and impossible to ignore.
Jigar's innocent smile could rival that of a mischievous fox caught raiding a chicken coop.

As Anwesha hurled cushions at Jigar, he dodged them with the agility of a ninja his laughter echoing through the room. Their bickering reached a crescendo, filling the house with the melodious symphony of sibling rivalry.
Ayushman watched the chaos unfold with the amused detachment of a referee at a wrestling match between his two favorite contenders.
Anwesha's ultimatum to Jigar hung in the air like a dark cloud, threatening to unleash a storm of sibling retribution

Jigar's sheepish nod in response to Ayushman's silent warning was akin to a guilty puppy caught with its paw in the cookie jar. As they settled into a temporary truce, the air was thick with the unspoken promise of future battles yet to come.

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