My Story

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"Mommy, mommy! Do you have to go? Can you please stay home with me?", I screeched.

"Yes, sweetie. I'm sorry but I have to go pick up your father from the airport."

"Aw!", I sighed, not wanting my mother to leave me for even just 30 minutes.

"Good bye, I will let Ms. Randy know when I am almost home", my mom said.

My dad was on a business trip to Hawaii and me and my mom stayed home in New Hampshire. I was 10 at the time and very ambitious. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop myself from asking my temporary babysitter every question in the world until my parents came home. A couple of hours later, Ms. Randy became very worried and decided to call them.

Ring... Ring... Ring.. no answer.

"What's going on? I just want my mom," I stated as tears began to fall from my face.

After a couple more hours, Ms. Randy ended up calling the police. The problem with the police is that a majority of them don't know what they're doing. So when they showed up at our door literally 2 hours after the call, all that they told us is to wait it out until tomorrow morning and then give them another call.

At about 3 A.M., the house was filled with the ringing of the phone. According to the secretary at the hospital, my parents got into a terrible car crash. They said that a drunk driver was driving on the wrong lane and that by the time my parents saw what was happening, it was too late.

"We did all that we could to save them, but it was just no use. Their hearts had stopped after only 5 seconds of being on the hospital bed," explained the sad sounding woman.

So, that was it.

The day that my life would be ruined.

Ms. Randy couldn't watch me forever, so she ended up bringing me to my grandfather's house, who ended up passing away a week later.

I no longer had anywhere to go, so Ms. Randy decided to put me into an orphanage. I guess at the time it was for the best, but it was probably the worst thing to every happen to me.

A weeks or two after the decision to take me to an orphanage, I had all of my bags packed at the door and we were putting everything in the car. I really didn't wanna go to this orphanage, but I knew that whining and crying wasn't gonna get me anywhere this time.

I finished putting the last of my things into the trunk and trudged to the passenger seat. On our way there, I shed more tears then when my parents first died. I know that my parents dying in a car crash is absolutely terrible, but at least that's just a thought. This orphanage will not only be a constant reminder of what happened, but will also bring absolute hell into my life, I'm sure.

Even though it's probably not a good idea, I began to think of how amazing my parents were to me and how they never left my side unless it was urgent or a trip to Hawaii.

"This is ridiculous, why should I go to an orphanage. Can't you just adopt me or something?," I pointed out.

"I wish I could, Bella, but I have more on my plate right now than you think. "

I opened my mouth to begin arguing with her, but decided against it. I may not be happy with her right now, but right now she is literally the only person I have in my life and I can't risk losing even her over a pointless conversation.

We pulled up and the big sign at the front said "Rocky Orphanage." I was so scared to walk in, but almost immediately after this thought, Ms. Randy interrupted my inside conversation and told me to go in.

"You're just dropping me off? You're not even gonna bring me in or anything?," I half yelled.

"Bella, listen. I have an awful lot of things to get done back...," she tried to explain

"Yup," I interrupted and slammed the car door shut. I walked around to the back of the car, grabbed my stuff, and was out of there in a flash.

I even thought about kicking her car after shutting the door, but I just ended up furiously stomping through the huge, metal gates and continuing down the path. I slowly opened the front door and the orphanage was filled to the top with kids my age, but that already had all kinds of friends. Every single person I went up to, was "busy" or "thought I was weird".

Yup, this was already hell.

I found the "main office" and knocked. When I heard someone say to come in, I was greeted by the head of this place. She told me everything that I needed to know about Rocky Orphanage and gave me a room number and a key.

The halls were huge and seemed to go on forever. I found my room number and opened the door. There was no one in this room, meaning that for the time being I was gonna be by myself.

"Thank god," I accidentally said out loud.

If I was gonna be forced to stay here, I at least needed my own room. I ended up spending the next 6 years in this place. I was older and no one wanted to adopt me. I saw all of the kids that I first saw here, vanish and sent to someone's home one by one. The older I got, the harder it was to try to find me someone who was interested.

As a child, my worst fear was losing my parents. My second biggest fear was getting sent to an orphanage. Little did I know that my two biggest fears in the world would become my future reality.

At first, the kids were all right and kinda just ignored me and left me to my lonesome. But eventually, they became mean. They would say that I'm the ugliest thing they've ever seen or that I was really stupid. One day, i even remember walking out into the dining hall and hearing someone scream out that I'm fat. Tears streamed down my face as I ran back to my room. I could hear everyone still laughing from all the way in my room.

Everyone's rude and mean comments got to me very badly. I almost never left my room and kept everything to myself. I never told the head of the orphanage about any of this because I knew that she wouldn't do anything about it. Even if she did, everyone would consider me a tattle tail.

One day when I was cleaning my room, a girl that I had never seen in my life came strolling into my room. She had blonde hair, green eyes, and a pretty polka dotted dress on. On her name tag was written Dolly, which described her well. She was so pretty that she looked like an actual doll. Ironic right?

"Hi! I'm Dolly. I'm new here," she said enthusiastically.

"Hi Dolly, I'm Bella," I told her.

"Wanna be my friend?"


And that was it, my first friend at this terrible place. Having a friend didn't make the Rocky Orphanage better, but it did make it a lot easier to live with.

Me and Dolly grew up to be the best friends. We did everything together and didn't listen to what anyone said. As long as we were together, it was okay. She kept me from thinking about how bad the orphanage was.

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