Missing... (P.J.)

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"Have you heard about the missing girl?"

"Yeah. I heard she ran away."

"I heard she got kidnapped!"

"Is she even real? What if she is just a made up story."

"The teachers haven't confirmed anything yet..."


Percy was exhausted. He had been up all night, thinking about the missing girl.

It was his second day of public school. He was in 7th grade with no friends. He talked to some people, and they seemed to like him, but he didn't like them. He wanted to connect with someone. He then heard about 'the missing girl' from a group of students. That was yesterday.

"Percy come eat! I want you to be on time."

"Coming mom." Percy shouted, pushing the blankets off of his body. He grabbed some random clothes, not noticing that he grabbed his Camp Half-Blood shirt. He put on his clothes, too tired to shower. Percy figured he'd do it after school, to get all the school air grime off of himself.

"Nice shirt choice Percy. Are you sure that will keep Kronos away from you? Or any other monsters?"

Sally said, waving around the spatula in her hand; practically pointing it at Percy. Percy looked down at his shirt.

"Oh, sorry mom. Should I change it?"  He asked. Sally paused for a moment before shaking her head. "No. It should be fine. Just don't draw extra attention to yourself please."  Percy agreed, and ate the pancakes his mom had made for him. Of course, they were blue.

He finished his breakfast, brushed his teeth, grabbed his books, his lunch bag, a water bottle, and packed his bag. He almost forgot his laptop, but luckily his mom reminded him to grab it. When he finished putting his stuff on, he said bye to his mom and left. He walked to school, stopping every once in a while to look at the papers pinned everywhere. It was the missing girl. These posters were new. They weren't there the day before. Who is she?  Percy thought to himself. He eventually started to ignore them, wanting to get to school already.

Bang, bang, bang.

Percy froze. Was that banging? It sounded like somebody hitting a door. Percy was lost in thought, before hearing muffled screams. That snapped him back to reality. He slowly stepped closer to the sound, pausing before reaching the alleyway. The building was at the end of this sketchy alleyway. Was it worth it? This alley is claimed to be where many murders take place. Nobody comes in here unless they are psychopaths or on drugs. His mom told him never to go there. Ever.


Since when did Percy listen?

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