Keep holding on darling

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Kat's P.O.V
I wake up to the sound of my dog barking and digging at my blanket for me to get up. "Wake up Kat!! Say wake up Kat! Get her lazy bum out of bed!!" My sister yells at the dog. He knows how to wake me up. I groan and push my ugly chihuahua away. (He is a poodle mix and his hair is dreadful) "You gonna wake up any day now or do I have to have Conor come tickle you?" Conor is my sisters fiancé. "NO IM GETTING UP!!" I scream as I flip up with my purple and blue hair sticking up. "Wow she has awoken." My sister walks out and says sarcastically. "Shut the fuck up" I whisper under my breath. "What did you just say?" "Nothing" I flash her a fake smile. "Babe! Kat just told me to shut up and swore at me!" She whined in her baby tone. Gosh, her and Conor are cute but they go way to far with the protectiveness he can never take a fucking joke. "Kat don't hurt my princess!" He yelled. "Shut up Barney, aren't you supposed to be at work smelling like sawdust or some shit?" I mumbled very tired. "I got today off so I could spend more time with my yizzy" he giggled and kissed her. She even told me she gets tired of him. Take the hint bro she needs her space! "Aww how cute" I sarcastically gushed and cooed. I walked into the kitchen with my black booty shorts and a baggy escape the fate; ungrateful shirt on. "Wow she's wearing a shirt for once!" My sisters fiancé yelled very dramatically as he came into the kitchen to grab my pie that my grandma made for me cause she is just that amazing. I always wear cut off tanks cause they are the only things that looks decent on me... "Stop eating my food you endless pit." I said as I yanked the plate out of his hands and grabbed a cherry coke. "Grandma made that for me ya douche canoe, you know this because dad told us now go makeout with your 'yizzy' or something." He snapped," You really can't share? And me and Liz haven't done that and we won't until we get married because it's a sin." Yeah, that's what you said to dad the last three times he caught you guys. I'm sick of them always treating me like crap. Whatever, I am sneaking out of the house to go to a concert with my friend Jess. I told my mom I was going to lagoon with my friend Ashley. Ashley played along and said my mom could drop me off at her house then Jess would come get us and go to the concert. We were going to see Falling In Reverse, Escape The Fate, and A Day To Remember, with special guests Our Last Night. I dont really care too much for our last night but that's only cause I haven't really heard their stuff but hopefully after tonight I will like them. But anyways, at least I have something to look forward to and to forget about my family.
This is kind o boring right now but it'll get better hopefully haha. Thanks for reading darlings!!

Keep holding on darling (ETF and FIR fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now