Chapter 13

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Kat's P.O.V.
I saw Craig get out of his bunk. Great. Just what I needed. I don't know maybe talking will be good. I don't want him to be mad at me. Especially since this was all Ryan's fault. I walked up to him and he pushed me out of the way. It felt like a thousand knives stabbing into my heart. It felt my heart dropped in my stomach. I love Craig and none of this was my fault it was Ryan's ugh! Craig walked to the front lounge and immediately grabbed a screwdriver off of the counter. "Bro that was mine!" Robert yelled at Craig. "Fuck off" Craig replied then downed his screwdriver. Just what Craig needs. Alcohol he gets even more posts when he drunk. Ronnie came up to me and took my hand and brought me into the back lounge. He immediately hugged me. I tensed up a little bit remembering what Ryan did. "Oh, I'm not gonna rape you like Ryan did. I just feel bad for you. I know Ryan did this and he was hammer drunk. He is a bigger idiot when he's drunk. I'm sorry Craig is being a dick.." he said then gave me another hug. I hugged him back. He is such a good friend. "thanks Ronnie that means alot to me." I smiled. "You can hang with me and Derek for the rest of the night." Ronnie said then grabbed my arm. We went to the front of the bus to see Craig wrestling Robert and Monte being the "referee". Oh my gosh what dorks. Ryan, Ron, Derek, Jacky, Max, and Jess were just standing there sipping their drinks and watching like nothing was happening. "Haha okay..." I said awkwardly. Craig stood up and walked toward me. You could smell the orange juice and vodka on his breath. It reeked. "You. Little. Slut." he said it my face. I immediately decked him in the face. Ronnie came and pulled me back along with Jacky. Robert and Derek pulled Craig up off the ground. "I DIDNT FUCKING DO ANYTHING IT WAS ALL RYAN!!" I screamed at him. "I CANT BELIEVE YOU, YOU ASSHOLE!" I cried out. Ryan slurred, "I am aware that I am an asshole I really don't care about all of that though..." he laughed uncontrollably. Everyone tried hard not to start laughing. "NOT THE FUCKING TIME RYAN!" ronnie yelled. "Kat I'm sorry I totally got up all on you-hic-it was just me totally drunk. " he hiccuped and laughed. Ryan got so drunk.

Craig's P.O.V.
Ryan admitted he did everything. Shit. I am an asshole. What have I done? I overreact so much. The bus started swerving. "Danny what the fuck is going on?!" Robert yelled. Shit. Danny had been drinking. Now he is trying to drive us to the next venue. Oh shi-.
Everything went black...
Cliffhangers are just great huh?

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