Chapter 21

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Kat's P.O.V.
I went to Max's bunk and I ripped open the curtain to see him facing the wall. He turned over to look at me and backed up. "Max we need to talk" I said with a stern voice. "I don't want to talk" he snapped back at me then turned to face the wall again. "Fine" I growled at him then shut the curtain furiously. I stormed to the front lounge and sat on Craig's lap. "Babe you okay?" Craig snakes his arm around my waist and kissed me ear. "Yeah I'm fine." I lied. He took the hint that I didn't want to talk and left it alone. We all started talking then finally at 11 the falling in reverse guys headed to their bus. Ronnie doesn't like to stay up too late. He likes to stay on schedule. "Guys I think we need to talk" Craig said with a stern expression. He sighed, "I don't know if Max should be in the band anymore." We all stayed silent. "I agree. He's addicted.." Robert said to break the silence. Monte added, "Yeah, he can barely perform.." "I told him he had another chance but he tried to attack Allie.." Allie looked down and tried to suppress tears from falling. "Okay, I'm gonna go to bed now..Night guys.." Monte got up to go to his bunk. Robert followed behind. "Same here" Allie and Brittney and Abbie both got up leaving me and Craig. He sighed then pulled me to him. I stroked his hair and hugged him. "He is so fucking stupid.." He sighed. A tear danced down his rosy cheek. I kissed his cheek then put my forehead to his to look him in the eyes. He kissed me and smiled. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me up to walk into our bunk. I went into the bathroom to change into more comfortable clothes. I changed into one of Craig's big red flannels and some booty shorts. Craig stripped down to just his boxers and we jumped into our bunk. We cuddled up to each other. I put my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me and our legs tangled together. I never felt so safe in my life. "I love you Kat" "I love you too Craig" we whispered to each other before falling asleep. We fell asleep.

Allie's P.O.V.
I tossed and turned all night. I couldn't sleep. I kept having flashbacks to what happened earlier. The fear coming back again. Especially since Max was sleeping right across the bunk aisle from me. My stomach started grumbling. I decided to go make something to eat. I got up out of my bunk and walked to the front lounge. I decided to listen to some music to calm my nerves. I plugged in my earphones and turned on Issues by Escape The Fate. I turned it all the way up. Turning my music up, tuning out the world. I'm in my own world right now. Immediate relaxation washed over my body. I went to the fridge and got out some sausage and hash browns to fry. I made sure they had my name on them and not someone else's. Don't ever make that mistake on a tour bus. I got the pan and put it on the stove. It finally heated up and I put some sausage and hash browns on. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I screamed bloody murder and jumped about 5 feet in the air it seemed. I turned around to see Max. I backed up and burnt my elbow on the stove. I fell to the ground "Fuck!" I yelled. I was now burnt and scared to death. I couldn't help but let the tears come flowing. My entire face was dripping with tears. Max tried to comfort me but I pushed him away. Everyone came out running. "What the hell is going on?" Kat yelled. "I tried to get Allie to stop singing and I had to tap on her shoulder to get her attention and she fell and burned herself.." Max screamed then died down. Kat ran over to me. My flesh was burn so bad. It smelled awful. Everyone came running next to me. "We're taking you to the hospital" Kat got up with tears in her eyes and went to the bunk area to pull on some pants. I don't get why she sleeps without pants. Ugh. The burn is so bad. It feels like my skin just keeps burning. Flesh was hanging off the bone like a bat from a tree. We rushed over to the hospital and checked in. They immediately treated me and gave me some morphine.
End of chapter. Sorry it sucks.

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