Chapter 34

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Today is the day before my girlfriends birthday and I still haven't gotten her a gift. I sit here in wood shop and think about it. Maybe I can make her something like a sculpture.

"You stuck?" Mr. Garden asks me.

"I'm trying to figure out a present for my girlfriend. Her birthday is coming up you see and I want to make her something special." I say nervously.

"What does she like?" He asks me. I don't know, werewolves.

"Wolves." I admit.

"Then do something wolf themed." He tells me before heading to another table. He's right, I'm going to make her something special.

I start to work on my mini sculpture. It has a black wolf how long at a white moon. Well I hope she likes it. I put in a landscape rock for the wolf to stand on to make it three D.

"That looks goo, want wrapping paper for it?" Mr. Garden asks as he looks over my shoulder.

"Yea please sir." I nod as I make a few finishing touches. Why does he have wrapping paper?

He hands me happy birthday wrap. "Here, do you know how to wrap?" He asks concerned. Oh no.

"No I don't sir." I look down embarrassed.

"Well I do." He wraps it up for me so it looks nice and neat. Wow, he's so cool. "She's one lucky girl to have you." He smiles at me. Mr. Garden was always the best. "Now keep this safe." He tells me before walking away. Alright I need to put it in my backpack in a safe place.

When the bell rings and I head to my next class to see my amazing girlfriend. I don't even know what I did before her.

"Hey." She says standing on her number.

"Hello." I pick her up and twirl her around. Which makes her giggles.

"What is this for." She laughs. Because I'm so happy to have you.

I put her down and smile at her, "Because you are mine and mine alone."

"So possessive are we?" She giggles as she kisses me.

"Will you two stop." The coach yells at us. We blush as we look down at the ground. The rest of the day with her was the best, I just love spending time with her. I know my father will expect me to take responsibility on my 18th birthday, but can't I enjoy my life before that happens? Well I am, with the girl of my dreams.

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