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Misery, Mis er y, Like do you Miss her? Or Me?
Misused, Mis Used, Like I Miss you,
You must miss me too? Broken Syllables spill across my veins like cuts, it can not be just me who feels this way,
Misery, like I could never make you choose, but why didn't you pick me? Am I too much, too broken, did I try too hard? Cracks along the seems, and your arrogance is showing, was it a lie - that I was all you could need?
Narcissistic to a fault, I could drown in every time you made me bleed,
Misused, like I miss how your hands used to feel on my skin, like I miss your whispers in the dark, like I miss the way your eyes used to tell me I was everything in the backseat of your car,
Did I misread? Flip through the pages in my mind, every paragraph, scanning for a flaw in the logic, I thought it was you and me, but maybe I was just reading the wrong story?
Can we rewrite the ending, make sure we're on the same page this time, Can I be as cold as you?
I can pretend that you were just a fun way to pass the time, break alone in the dark where you will never see, how you could own me so effortlessly? Did I imagine the longing, the bane of every woman's existence - I could fix him right? I could heal him, be his everything - right?
I swear you told me secrets I wasn't meant to hold so how could you turn away like nothing ever mattered? Misery, like how can you breathe without me, like I can't breathe without you, like I didn't know oxygen was a thing until you settled in my lungs and suddenly I am suffocating with out you, but you seem fine so tell me, how?
Misused, like nobody ever knew how to play my melody the way you could and I am terrified that no one ever will again, because what if it was meant to be - right person, wrong time, - and I never find you again? Like what if I still miss you and you never even gave me a second thought? Misery, Like what if I was an aftertaste, that left a pleasant lingering in your mouth but I am not the main course and you would never have even noticed if I wasn't there, you only enjoy me in passing, but my presence was never a necessity, Misused, like if you could do it all over again, knowing that you would leave this hole in my existence, knowing you would break me this way, you would still do it again anyway,
Misery, like if I could do it all over again, knowing you would leave this hole in my existence, knowing you would break me this way, I would still say please.

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