No Words

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Drawn, like a moth to flame I dare not get too close, too scared to catch fire in your depths, I must not let myself be burned, flames will chase me through this darkness ever nipping at the corners of my mind and I find I can not look away, mesmerizing as a train wreck I will crash and shatter into pieces upon your shore,
Treading softly in waves teasing - gently lapping in peripheral before waves become riptides tearing me asunder at the very seems of my being there are no words...
No words, no words, just lyrical lies telling me be careful where I step and I find myself hand on door, torn between curiosity and fear, a heady mix that intoxicates my senses and clouds the air - thick like smoke, thick like choking on these words inside my brain, I dare not speak I must refrain, close my eyes just to escape reality if only for a moment and I will fall back into lucid dream, tall tale spun endlessly behind these eyes of everything I can not have, dare not let loose my tongue from behind my teeth for fear of what will spill upon the very sand I find myself stranded on this island lost amoung the sea of thoughts I choke upon, tossed about the ocean that is clawing at my throat,
No words, no words, just silent pleading as I hold this breath, shivering through my very being, dancing along the edge there is danger in these thoughts racing through my mind towards a line I dare not cross, standing on the edge of reality, there is hunger in the depths I dive too, to drown out the sounds, stumbling forward blindly as the moth I am drawn, there are no words.

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