A Potions Kit & The Leaky Cauldron

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Summer Before Third Year-

Hally had spent a majority of her summer holidays so far thinking about what Snape had said to her at the end of second year

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Hally had spent a majority of her summer holidays so far thinking about what Snape had said to her at the end of second year.

A deep depression had started to settle into her bones.

She was certain that Snape hadn't advertently meant to leave a lingering sadness but this had been the affect of his words on top of unfortunately being back with the Dursley's'.

She had been disappointed when she found out that she was going to be placed back with them and when she recalled her conversation with Dumbledore on the last day of second year it made her quite agitated.

"Am I going back with the Weasley's' professor ?" Hally asked the headmaster hopefully as she was preparing to board Hogwarts Express.

"I'm afraid not. You will be placed back in Little Whinging with your aunt and uncle." Dumbledore replied solemnly.

Hally tried to hide the hurt but she couldn't understand why he wouldn't let her stay with Ron or Hermione for the summer. "Do I really have to go back there professor ?"

"I'm sorry Hally but yes you must. You are safest with the Dursley's'. I promise that certain professors' will be keeping an eye on you though. To make sure your conditions from last summer are not repeated this coming one."

Hally looked at the ground and let out a small sigh at his words.

"Worry not my dear. We are but one owl away should you need anything. You will be looked after better." His eyes twinkled knowingly over the rim of his spectacles as he put a comforting hand on Hally's shoulder before nudging her towards the awaiting train.

"Is professor Snape not coming to say goodbye then ?" Hally questioned in a careless manner as to not alert Dumbledore of her disappointment while she started to make her way up the steps and onto the train.

"Your potions professor finds himself tied up with something at the moment. But I promise he will be in touch."

He hadn't been in touch. But the Dursley's' weren't treating her as terribly as they normally did and she strongly suspected that was because of Snape. She didn't have any concrete proof that he had threatened them or anything of the likes but she had a feeling that he had been in contact with them at least once since the end of the school year.

It left a sour taste in her mouth, thinking about the fact that they got to see him or hear from him but she didn't.

Hally's school supplies were locked up as they typically were when she was back in the muggle world but Hally being the clever girl she was- managed to pick the lock on the cupboard to grab some of her books so she could complete her summer course work.

In Snape's class alone she had an essay due on shrinking potions that she couldn't mess up on. She was hoping that since he had made her his potions helper again this year that she might be able to convince him to allow her to start assisting with some of the brewing instead of just cleaning cauldrons or occasionally grading essays and tutoring the less academically inclined in potions.

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