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"Mane no and then I heard ole girl who be with them niggas on 10th got killed yesterday" Mari says while lighting up his blunt

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"Mane no and then I heard ole girl who be with them niggas on 10th got killed yesterday" Mari says while lighting up his blunt. This is his fifth one today.

"What the hell she got killed for?" I question. Mari always in somebody else business. He like the shade room of our friend group. "Mane she was messing with a nigga off 6th and got caught up" He says chuckling.

"Nah cause I was messing wit shorty too" Kel chimes in scratching the back of his neck. "Mane you mess wit everybody".

The front door open and it's kiori. She has a small bruise on her face and so are her knuckles. "KIKI WADDUP TWIN" kanye runs up to dap her up but she flinched. I don't know what happened but i know it gotta be something bad.

"Lemme talk to you Kiori" I say pulling up my pants and walking to her. She starts backing up like i'm about to hit her some. "What the hell wrong wit you" I mug her. When have I ever been seen as the abusive type.

"Nothing zeek, I think it would be better if we just left each other alone" Then she walks past me into the hallway and goes in the very last bedroom.

"Ou y'all be being nasty" Mari sticks out his tounge while laughing. Im starting to think he gay or something.


kiori balls up into a pillow and cries. She cries for what feels like hours before hearing a knock on the room door. She didn't even get the opportunity to say anything before the door opened and revealed zeek.

"Why you crying mama"? His eyes low and red, voice deep yet raspy. "Nothing just leave me alone". she mutters before turning the other way so he can't see her tear stained face. "Kiori you 16 years old and still lying. Communicate your feelings" He says sitting next to her and pulling her in his arms.

"I-Im sorry". Her voice cracks and she sobs more and more into his chest. "What you sorry for, What happened" His heart breaks as he hears her sobs. "He touched me Zeek. Usually he would just punch me but h-he raped me".

Zeek feels himself getting mad. "Who touched you" he says trying to sound calm since she's balling her eyes out. "Miguel".

"Okay cmon mama". Zeek walks into the bathroom and starts to run a bath when mari walks and stands in the door frame. kiori is in the room getting out some pajamas.

"What happen to her" mari questions. Even though him and kiori are cousins he's always been scared of her when she's emotional. "Some nigga name miguel touched her and I needa find him TONIGHT."

Mari starts to feel himself get irritated. He has to keep his calm though since all these people are in his house. "I know where he at, we gone handle him later". He mutters before walking back into the living room.

soon after kiori comes into the bathroom. Zeek stands up and gets ready to leave. "wait can you stay". Her eyes still are filled with tears. "yea i'll stay kiki". She climbs into the warm bath water. It smells like coconut milk dove soap.

She starts crying again. Zeek wants to tear up just looking at her. She looks heartbroken. Like her whole world is falling down. Zeek takes off his shirt and climbs into the tub with just his sweatpants. "Come on". He wraps his arms around her and she starts to doze off. "Wait wake up, we gotta get you in the bed."

they both dry off and zeek got a pair of mari's sweats. kiori and zeek lay in bed and she dozes off while her head is in his chest. It's 9pm when granny texts zeek. "hey grandson. see if you can stay the night with a friend. Mr earl is coming over 😍".

Zeek feels himself about to gag just reading the message. Sure he knows his granny be having sex but still ew. "ok granny 🤕".

"You ready ta go"? kel screams loudly bussimg into the bedroom with kiori and zeek. "damn nigga you can't whisper?" Zeek slowly climbs out of bed carefully not to wake kiki.

All the guys have on full black and decide to take Keons car. He has a blacked out charger. They took the license plates off the car too. "Head to southside". After 35 minutes they pull up to the south side of town. It's some projects.

"There he go". All the guys pull they mask and shoot. bullets start flying everywhere and one it's miguel in the chest. Other dudes come running from behind a car and start shooting back at them. "IGHT THATS ENOUGH LETS GO". They speed off and hop on the freeway.

When they finally pull up back at Mari's house they pull into the garage. Kel burst out laughing. "mane why the nigga start screaming like that when he got shot". His eyes fill with tears because he's laughing so hard.

"Mane yall don't take nun serious". Zeek chuckles before walking into the house to check on kiori. When he opens the door he sees her sitting up in the bed with a box of cereal. "Hey mama why you awake". He can tell she's been crying again since her eyes are all puffy. "I don't know" she sniffles.

Zeek goes to get his clothes from the dryer. He had another one of the girls wash em while they were gone. He heads back into kiori's room and puts on his underwear then climbs next to her. She sits the cereal on the dresser and climbs into his arms.

while playing with his hair she ask a few questions. "Zeek why don't you ever talk about your family". He sighs. "I don't really know my family. As long as I can remember it's always been me and granny. She tells me i have a big sister but I don't know her. Her name is zalania.".

Kiori listens to him talk about his life while they both slowly doze off. "Night zeeky". Then she kisses his forehead and dozes off.

thoughts so far.?

do y'all think they moving to fast???

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