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4/5/25 continued.

Zeek rushes into mari's house and to no surprise everyone is awake and sitting in the living room

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Zeek rushes into mari's house and to no surprise everyone is awake and sitting in the living room.

"Nigga you finna push my door of the hinges" Mari says mugging him while turning down the tv. Zeek doesn't even laugh he just has an anxious expression and everyone notices.

"Zekial you good" Mel questions. Zeek shakes his head no and then begins to tell them what happened.

"Me and leah was at my house sleep and we heard some glass break. Nobody was upstairs but the front door was wide open. So i was headed to drop her off at home and when i finally did i got a phone call. It was breaking up but i heard something about killing and then the number 5". Zeek says before he starts tearing up.

"I think they got granny and i can't lose that lady. She's my only family the only person i have" He says with tears falling from his eyes.

FAMILY- a group of one or more parents and their children living together as a unit.

Mari gives zeek a hug then starts talking. "I understand man but whoever it is can't be somebody we know. We don't owe anybody no money and haven't even been beefin lately" Mari shrugs.

Zeek sits down and thinks. " i think your my brother, we need to talk". He remembers that night like it was yesterday. Even tho the face looked familiar granny never mentioned a brother to him.

"We needa go to tuxedos". The all shake their heads in agreement and make plans to go in the morning when they open.

"ain't no way i'm actually related to that ugly nigga but whatever" he thinks while also texting his aunt. She doesn't like him very much but maybe she can help in this situation.

next morning - 4/6/25

Everyone was up bright and early. Even though today was a school day who cares at this point.

Zekial speeds to tuxedos. When he finally arrives they all rush inside and zeek sees the boy who told him. He walks over "We needa talk". He says with a blank expression.

The boy just nods and they all walk out the front door. Mari, Zeek, An Mel all lean on the car while the boy stands in front of zekial.

"first off what's yo name?" Zeek says. "my name is zahir".

"zalania pwese don't l-leave me".

"Igh i'm Zeek it's nice to meet you. I'm really only here to talk to you about this whole brother situation". Everyone stares around before zahir finally starts to talk.

"Well yea. My pops told me i had a brother. One day Y'all entire friend group was here and he stopped by. When he looked over at you he whispered to me that you were his son. He always talked about his son but i never knew. I kinda believe it because you look like him" Zahir says before sighing.

Zeek nods his head slowly before looking at Mari. "See if he can meet us here" Mari says. Zeek looks shocked. He doesn't even know if dude is really his father.

"I guess i can call him or something" Zahir says in a questioning tone.

Everyone walks into tuxedos to sit down and wait for this mystery man. After sitting for about half an hour he walks in. Zeek looks at his face and immediately recognizes him, but from where?

 Zeek looks at his face and immediately recognizes him, but from where?

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flashback- 2010

"zyrone please it was accident" a small frail lady screams while being punched over and over by a tall drunken man.

2 year old zekial screams and cries in the corner while zalania tries her best to comfort and stop him from crying.

"SHUT UP B*TCH" the man turns around backhands zeek leaving his face burning red.

While he's facing the other way the lady grabs a piece of glass from a broken beer bottle and as soon as she goes to stab him he turns back around and punches her.

This time he doesn't stop. He keeps going and he's angrier behind every punch and kick.

Zalania makes her way upstairs and calls the police before running outside with Zekial in her arms. She's shivering and he's crying.

"It's gonna be okay i promise".

The cops show up and rush into the house. shortly after molly anne pulls up and watches as they bring her daughters body covered up.

An older male comes up to Zalania, Zeek and molly-anne. "I'm sorry but it was already too late.


After all the tears are cried out molly agrees to take care of 16 year old zalania and 2 year old zekial.

"Granny i'm sorry but i can't stay here. I can't take zekial with me so he can stay with you. I wanna leave this city and go live with mom's sister in LA".

Molly anne sighs before agreeing and saying they'll get her on the next flight out.

No matter how bad she wants to keep both of her grandchildren she understands the grief behind zalania eyes. She understands why she wants to leave a place that holds so much trauma for her.

"no sissy p-please don't leaveeeee" Zeek screams and cries as granny tries to calm him down.

"DONT LEAVE ME P-PWEASEEEE, PWEASE DONT LEAVE ZALANIA" he screams cries while she hugs him and sobs.

"I'm sorry zekial but i have to go. I'll be back someday i promise. just be brave baby z. i love you so much"

"i love you so much"

"i love you so much.

the words play back into baby zekial mind as he dozes off in his grannies backseat while she talks to the police officers.

flashback over.

"Are you okay" The man says while staring at zeek with a small smirk on his face.

"Zeek just stares at him blankly remembering everything that he did". He goes to talk but no sound comes out. He's speechless.

Finally got a little background on zeeks past.

how we feelinggg??

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