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"we gather here for the celebration of life

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"we gather here for the celebration of life. Molly-anne was a beautiful lady throughout the span of her life. She was nothing but kind and sweet. Always there for those who cared for her. Always making everyone feel loved. We love you molly-anne. Now the family will share a few words". Bishop james stated before standing off to the side.

Zalania and Zeek both look at each other before Zekial stands up. He quickly wipes the tears from his face and walks up into the pulpit.

"Hello everyone. Thanks for coming and showing your love and support for my beloved grandmother. That lady raised me. She taught me how to be a man. I don't know where i would be today if it wasn't for my grandmother". Zeek says while sniffing.

flashback- 2016

"YAYY COME ON GRANDSON YAYYY..!" molly-anne cheers for zekial at his little league football game.

flashback - 2022
granny i'm scared. "It's okay Z just press on the gas and keep going. Molly-Anne is teaching Zekial how to drive. Zekial presses the gas and starts going down the street. "Good job grandson i'm so proud.

flashback- 2014

"i don't wanna stay here granny" zeek cries. it's his first day of preschool and all he wants to do is stay with his grandma. "it's gonna be okay z. be a big boy i love you". granny says before hugging him.

flashbacks over.

"I'll forever love that lady. She's my whole heart." Zeek says before sobbing and walking off the pulpit back to his seat. Zalania stands up before walking to the pulpit.

"I don't have much to say. What i do have though is that i love that lady so much. It Pains me to see her in this casket today. She was there for me even though i was miles away. She was there when 12 year old me got my first period. She was there when me and zeek needed out of that house. Pray for me and my family and thanks for your support." Zalania says before walking back to her seat.

"Sir is this your home"? The firefighters say as they walk up to mari

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"Sir is this your home"? The firefighters say as they walk up to mari. He's standing staring at his home burning down with tears in his eyes.

Mari nods his head yes.

After the funeral and repast everyone decided to come here and get ready to go to sleep. When they arrived the house was in flames.

The firefighters couldn't save anything aside from a bible that Mari got from his grandmother when he was 5.

The firefighters let out the fire and mari contacts his landlord to let him know the house burned down. unfortunately the cause of the fire was unknown.

They know. They know it was done by him. He probably only wishes they were there when he set it on fire.

Mari turns to zeek with the tears still in his eyes and anger on his face. "Ion know why you got us in this bulls*it but you better get it fixed".

Zeek looks shocked. "NIGGA I JUST BURIED MY GRANDMA AND YOU THINK I GOT SOME TO DO WITH TO YOUR HOUSE BURNING DOWN"? Zeek says with his face now burning red.

Leah grabs zeek while miyona and mel get mari. "both y'all niggas needa chill out" mel yells.

Zeek and mari both look at each other. They aren't mad at each other but at themselves. They are disappointed in themselves for even allowing something like this to happen.

Zeek sticks his hand out and mari daps him up before they pull each other into a hug.

Aleah looks around "so where y'all gone sleep at?" She says with a confused look on her face. Everyone looks back at the burning house before shaking their heads and going to sit in the car.

"We could go to my place but ma dukes gone be tripping if we make to much noise" Mel says.

"Then hell naw cause y'all always loud" Miyona says. "We can just get a hotel for the night and figure it out tomorrow" Zeek sighs before pulling off to drive to the nearest hotel.

Once they pull up they make mari book the room since he has an id. Everyone chips in cash.

"Leah don't you have to go back to the foster house at a certain time"? Mel looks. Aleah shakes her head no. "My caseworker gives me permission to stay out as long as my behavior is good" she says.

Leah never takes any offense to them asking her about the foster system. It's nothing to be embarrassed or shameful about.

Mari waves for everyone to come into the lobby so they all turn off the car and walk into the hotel. They got a room with 2 queen beds and a pull out couch.

"Ight this nice" zeek nods as he walks further into the room and plops down on a bed pulling aleah into his arms.

"Leah and zeek right there, Miyona n mel can sleep in the other one and i'll take the couch" Mari shrugs.

Nobody has any clothes so they just have to sleep in their repast clothes until the stores open up tomorrow.

"cmon ma let's gts" Mel says while him and miyona lay down. Zeek cuts off the lights making the hotel room pitch black.

Zeek lays there with leah snuggled in his neck and his thoughts suffocating his brain.

"what am i gonna do without granny"?

"am i gonna get sent to foster care"?

"i gotta find a way to make some money"?

After around 45 minutes of thinking he finally dozes off and falls to sleep.


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