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"MEL STOPP YOU GONE GET MY HAIR MESSED UP" miyona screams right before mel throws her in the pool

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"MEL STOPP YOU GONE GET MY HAIR MESSED UP" miyona screams right before mel throws her in the pool.

Everyone decided to come swim. Mel and miyona finally got approved for their appointment and luckily the complex has a pool and a gym.

Zeeks aunt got custody of him but she doesnt care what he does at all. Zalania ended up leaving the state and going back home. She calls zeek atleast once a week and they talk for hours.

Overall Zeeks been slowly getting out of his depression.

"Bae you hungry?" Aleah says while handing zeek a ham and cheese sandwich with some red doritos. "Thank you mama" he says while smiling at her.

She nods before going on her insta to post a picture.

Liked by- yonamonae and 12,087 others

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Liked by- yonamonae and 12,087 others.
Leahalani- pool days 😗.

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"You should post zeek" she says while looking at him shoving his face with the sandwich . He nods before grabbing his phone.

Lately his page has really been blowing up and helping him make more money. Aside from the job he picked up at a nearby studio. He's been cleaning the studio and even thinking about making a few songs of his own.

Granny always told him he could sing so maybe it's time to put that talent to good use.

"Which pic should i post" he says while showing leah his phone. "Hm i think that one" Leah says while pointing to her favorite.

He nods his head as a way to say okay.

liked by- Tamelionn,leahalani and 57k others

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liked by- Tamelionn,leahalani and 57k others.
zeektopshotta - my girl told me to post .

leahalani- 😍😍.

yonamonae- baby bro. 😂

tamelionn- twin💚

mari2killa- gnggg!

After zeek reads his comments he looks up to see everyone in the pool. Mari and his girl were sitting on the side. He finally brought her around today after hiding her forever.

"Mane school start next month i am not excited" Mel sighs. It's him, miyona, and Aleah's junior year. It's Mari and Zeeks senior year.

"Me either." Aleah says while nodding her head. She's planning on filing emancipation from the foster care system but it's hard. She has to get a job first.

"What grade you in Tiana?" Zeek questions. "i'm finna be a senior" she replies. Zeek just nods his head before fully submerging his body into the cold swimming pool water.

He swims over to the side where Aleah is sitting and pulls her into the water. "Omg it's cold" she says. He laughs before dunking her under the water. "ZEKIAL YOU MESSING UP MY BRAIDS" she screams.

He laughs. They both start laughing before looking over at Mel recording them. He's always recording "it's for the memories" he shrugs.

everyone shakes their heads and start laughing. Life has been getting better for everyone lately. No weird things happening.

(not for long - author😏).

"I'm getting tired yall ready to head back in the apartment?" Mel says while yawning. Everyone else agrees and they all head back up.

"Me and Leah gone shower first" Zeek says as soon as they walk into the apartment. "Mane don't be taking forever" mari mugs him.

Zeek waves him off before he and aleah go take their shower.

"You okay baby" she says while looking at him. He looks sad. "Yea just thinking about granny. I really miss that lady" he says while looking down at their feet.

"It's okay to grieve and miss her. Just don't be sad about it forever" Leah says. Her parents both passed away so she understands his feelings.

Zeek nods before she turns around and he washes her back. "thank you" he says.

"for what" leah questions. "For being my peace in such a chaotic time in my life" he sighs. Aleah turns back around and they hug.

"HURRY UP DAMMIT" Mari screams while beating on the bathroom door. Aleah rolls her eyes before they both step out, dry off, and put on their clothes.


sorry i be inactive 😬.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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