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Zeek wakes up the kisses being planted on his face

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Zeek wakes up the kisses being planted on his face. When he opens his eyes it's Aleah. "hey mama". He says while opening the covers so she can cuddle with him.

He's been staying in the back room at Mari's house. It's been 4 days since he met with his dad. All zyrone really even said was that zekial's mom was a sneaky link.

Zeek knew this was a lie. He knows what he remembers. All he really wants to know is where's granny.

After she was officially missing for 24 hours he immediately put in a missing persons report but there are no leads to her disappearance yet.

Leah just stares at him. "You okay baby" she says while caressing his face. He just nods before kissing her and then dozing off in her arms.

Leah sighs while staring at him asleep. He's depressed and she can tell. He's barley eating and he's been sleeping all day. She plays in his hair before dozing off as well.

DEPRESSION- Depression is a common mental disorder that can affect a person's thoughts, feelings, behavior, and sense of well-being. It can manifest as a low mood or loss of interest in activities for extended periods of time, and can impact all aspects of life, including relationships, school, and work.

"WAKE UPPPP" Mel says while kicking the door in. Zeek wakes up and mugs him while looking to see Aleah already awake.

"nigga get out making all that noise" zeek mugs. Mel shakes his head no. "We finna go to your house and get you some clothes".

Zeek hasn't been there since that night granny went missing. "The police said we can't cause it's an open investigation right now" he says while sitting up.

Immediately after his phone starts ringing. It's the police department. "Hey, Is this Zekial Monroe? We have some information regarding the case of Molly-anne Phillips. Please come to the station as soon as possible."

Zeek jumps up and goes to brush his teeth. "Let's go". Zeek, Mel, and Leah all get into the car. Mari decided to go to school today. It's only a month left till it's out and he needs to get all his grades up.

When they walk into the station an officer walks up to Zekial. "Hey are you Mr.Monroe"? Zeek nods his head yes and the officer leads him into a private room.

Aleah and Mel aren't family so they can't come into the room with him.

"Ok so we have a lead regarding molly-anne. An unknown number called us stating they have her and will give her up safely if you have their money. They mentioned that you only have 5 more days."

Zeek looks confused. "I don't owe anybody money. Can't you track the call or something".

"unfortunately we can not since the call was under a minute" The officer says before she stands up with her paperwork in hand.

Zeek stands as well before they shake hands and he heads back to the car. When he sits in the drivers seat he bangs the steering wheel over and over.

At this point tears are falling from his eyes. Snot coming out of his nose and his whole face is turning red. "baby calm down" Leah says while grabbing his arms.

Mel just stares from the backseat. He understands Zekial pain and knows that no words can fix his pain.

Zeek stops and breaths while Aleah wipes his face off. "I'm sorry mama, i'm just angry. Im hurt". He says while they hug it out.

Zalania and molly-anne sit next to each other shivering in fear

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Zalania and molly-anne sit next to each other shivering in fear. The cold damp unfamiliar house is where they reside at the moment.

"Granny, i'm gone get us outta here i promise" zalania whispers.

Neither of them remember how they got here. All they know is he's behind all this. He's holding onto pain from 2008.

"We just gotta pray baby" Molly says while coughing.

She's old and the mold growing on the walls is causing her to be sick. Zalania stands up and walks through this creaky abandoned home before finding a door.

She goes to molly-anne quickly before finding her coughing and then passing out. "granny please come on i found us a way out please come on" Zalania cries out.

Granny isn't moving and her body goes limp and cold. Nia knows this all to well and she cries and sobs into her grannies cold body.

She then stands up and immediately runs to the door. Since the wood is rotting she just kicks it and it opens. Zalania runs and doesn't stop running until she comes to a familiar street.

The same street the ambulance drove her mom's dead body down.

The same street she suffered on all her life. The house her mother died in still stood. Kids running and playing in the yard not even knowing the trauma the house holds.

Zalania runs to the nearby police station and doesn't look back. She keeps running and running until she's at the door.

Zeek looks out of his car window. He knows her face. He knows who she is. He watches as she runs into the police station. She looks helpless.

"HELPPP HELP ME PLEASE" Zalania screams as she falls into the door. 3 officers run over to her. "PLEASE HELP HE TOOK US AND S-SHES DYING MY GRANMOTHER IS DYING" She screams as she starts to sob uncontrollably.

Zeek walks into the police station and she looks at him. "Zekial"? zalania says while staring in his face. He's frozen. No words. She runs up and hugs him and he hugs back.

"Nia I-I remember you" he says while sobbing.  All the pictures granny kept of her all through the house. Zekial knows her face.

Zalania wipes her face and tells the officer they have to hurry and help.

Nia leads them through the woods and to the house where granny was at. A paramedic walks up to checks her pulse then she turns to Zalania and Zekial.

"i'm sorry but it's to late. She's gone".

Zekial screams and falls. He crawls to her body with nia right on side of him. "I'm s-sorry granny i couldn't save you" he sobs.

Aleah and Mel walk inside of the house from waiting in the car. Leah tears up looking at zeek hold his grannies lifeless body. Her and mel go to hug him and Zalania while they sob in their arms.

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