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ıllıllı 𝙖 𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙢𝙚𝙚𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 ıllıllı


The duo avoided the plunder of the rain under the safety of the trees. They were lucky it was around springtime, so everything was coated in new foliage.

Upon feeling many people's presences, Y/N reached behind her back and grabbed her newly stitched mask, tying it tightly. There would be no mistakes this time.

She decided to make her aura, as she called it, as little as possible, completely shielding her exitance. Upon doing this, Kyojuro stiffened.

"How did you do that?" He inquired, turning to face her. His once prominent smile tugged down ever so slightly once re realized her mask was back on. Y/N noticed this.

"I don't know.. I just reduced the power, the force I give as a living, breathing being, down to nothing. Can you not do this?" He shook his head, looking forward to the now approaching estate. It looked modest and rather serene. It was pretty, but simple and carried an otherworldly sense of calm with it.

"I want you to come to the Hashira Meeting with me! Would you accompany, Y/N-san?" He hadn't mentioned this. He had said he wanted her to meet his master.. not everyone else. But what could a little meeting do?


A little meeting could do a lot.

"Who is this weakling? Why is she here?" A hoarse, yet heavily deep voice fumed. Y/N turned to look at him. He wore the same uniform that Kyojuro did, except he had a cropped white haori. His uniform was also unbuttoned, and displayed his abs and impressive amount of scars. His eyes were like the lilacs that she planted back at home, and his hair much like the white roses she loved ever so dearly. But his scent was malicious and malevolent.

"She is quite the opposite of weak! She did a number on me!" Kyojuro backed her up, and she could feel him standing right behind her. He felt like a natural heater, radiating warmth. It took everything inside of her to not lean a bit closer.

"What an unflashy mask! I must ask why you hide your face?" A tall, muscular man basically towered over her. Nonetheless, she looked up. She nearly snapped her neck just trying to see his face. He had a mark over his left eye, definitely decorative. It reminded Y/N of some wild redberries she planted on the edge of her estate. His eyes were a deep magenta, and she could seemingly taste lychee fruits on her tongue. Memories of her going to her favorite summertime vendor to buy bags of them flooded her mind.

He had white hair, and the sleeves of his uniform were absent. He had two identical swords wrapped in sheer, white cloth. She also noticed the headpiece he wore that had two streams of light blue gems dangling from them. it was quite extravagant.

"KYAAA! You are just adorable- I mean, I think you are- I MEAN... I'm sorry, I don't know what I'm saying anymore!" A breathtakingly good-looking woman approached Y/N. Her uniform opened down the front to reveal her breasts.. which Y/N couldn't deny, were looking very nice. She had hair that faded from pink into green. It was a color combination you wouldn't typically see together, yet it looked so nice on her. It reminded Y/N of Sakura Mochi, one of her personal favorite deserts. Her eyes were lively and bright, radiating like a grassy field.

"Ah! Mitsuri-chan! How have you been?" Rengoku moved out from behind Y/N, arms crossed and smile wide. So this was Mitsuri. They looked like they could be siblings... minus the drastic color differences.

"The Master has arrived." Suddenly, everyone dropped to a knee and it was shockingly silent. Y/N followed suit. She didn't look up to see who had even spoke in the first place. But that didn't matter, because in a matter of seconds, she felt completely at ease.

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