Every Story Has A Beginning - Chapter 1

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Y/n's POV 8:20 AM

You awoke to the sound of your alarm you turned over to hit the snooze button and saw a sticky note on the clock you grabbed it "today's the first day of work" you groaned while getting out of bed. you changed your clothes, put some makeup on, curled your hair, and made some coffee before grabbing your purse, phone, keys, and wallet.

You locked the front door before getting in your car and starting it up. you flipped through a few stations before settiling on a random one hearing the song 22 (Taylor's version) play. Music was like therapy for you at times and would help whenever you were overwhelmed or sad. So you allowed your mind to turn off while you listen to the song and before you knew it you were there.

You turned the car off and grabbed your stuff and walked inside and asked the woman at the counter where the chiefs office was.

When you reached the elevator there was only one person in it a small woman in scrubs with a very serious face "hello" you said while walking into the elevator and clicking the button of the floor you need. "What's it like working here?" You asked looking over to the woman. "Who's asking?" The woman said in a snarky tone"uh, Dr y/n y/l/n. today's my first day" you said while holding out your hand for her to shake. "Miranda Bailey, nice to meet you" she said shaking your hand firmly. then the elevator door opened with a ding. "Well this is my stop, it was nice meeting you Dr Bailey" you said while walking out of the elevator.

When you reached the chiefs door we you took a few deep breaths hoping to not get to anxious and you walked in as confident as you could."chief hunt?" You then realized that there were two people a man with ginger hair who was probably the chief and some other woman with dark hair.

"Owen you know better than anyone that I, nor Derek, need any help so there's no point in hiring some one new!" The woman yelled "uhm chief hunt Im here for the Neuro position!" You said a little louder. "Amelia get out please I will be filling this position no matter what you say!" the woman groaned gave you a dirty look before storming of and slamming the door.

"Sorry about that, Amelia can be mean at times." He apologized as if it was his fault "I wanted for you to have a different first impression of the hospital than that." He continued "oh I did, I met a woman earlier in the elevator who was pretty nice." You said recalling the woman in the elevator "what was her name so I can thank her?" He asked with a smile on his face. "I'm pretty sure her names Miranda Bailey." You said sitting down in a seat in front of his desk.

"Miranda being nice, well that's a first." He laughed before continuing "I have a few questions about you that I legally have to ask" he said while grabbing a paper and pen "is there anything that could obstructed your work like medical conditions?" He asked looking at you with intent. "Um I have extreme anxiety and I get panic attacks but I haven't had one in months" you said while avoiding eye contact. He looked at you for a minute before writing something down.

Y/n's POV 9:32 AM

After an hour chief hunt let you go after questioning you for what felt like forever. You were on your way to change when you ran into Dr Bailey again on the elevator she smiled when she saw you

"so how did it go with hunt?" She asked as you pressed the button of the floor you were going to. "It went fine I got interrogated on questions that the board has. other than that it was good" you said pausing before speaking again "how have you been since we talked earlier?" You asked trying to fill the silence "fine, I got to do a surgery, an appendectomy." She said happily right before the elevator door opened to your floor "I will see you later Dr Bailey" you said walking out "call me Miranda" she said before you got to far away "alright, I will see you later Miranda." You said before turning and walking towards the attendings lounge.

You were happy about your interaction with Miranda, Hunt mentioned that people call her the Nazi so it's good to be on her good side.

Y/n's POV 10:45 AM

When you got to the lounge you changed into some scrubs and the lab coat that hunt had put in your locker you left your purse in there and grabbed your pager. Then you headed for the E.R. on the way there your mind started to drift to the woman that was talking to hunt earlier she seemed to be a bitch but also the other neuro attending so you were forced to work together.

when you reached the E.R. you went and got a tablet from the woman at the counter then you heard a woman speak "miss, can I help you?" The woman practically squeaked because of how high pitched her voice was "I work here. I just started today." You said while turning to face her. "Oh my goodness I'm so sorry." She apologized "Uhm, my names April kepner I work in trauma" she continued holding out her hand. "y/n y/l/n nice to meet you, Neuro." You said shaking her hand.

You then heard your pager go off. You said bye to April before heading to the surgical wing. You smiled at the thought of being back in surgery after two months hunt had told you about the surgery earlier it's where you can meet a lot of the attendings.

by the time you got out of the elevator and to the conference room there were already a bunch of people you didn't know but some comforting faces Owen greeted you at the door and then Miranda introduced you to everyone before you heard a familiar voice

"oh my God! y/n!?" the woman exclaimed everyone looked at her confused as she walked over to hug you "no way! Meredith it's been so long." you said while hugging her tightly her warm embrace comforting the building anxiety that came with meeting so many people at once.

You could take meeting two at a time but more than that and it would end badly for you. "Wait you two know each other" your boss Derek asked "yes we met in medical school years ago" she looked at you before continuing "she was my person before Cristina" she finished.

Some one then spoke up "we came here to save someone's life, not to talk about some perfect life nobody" Amelia the girl from this morning said waiting for you to respond. You could feel your blood start to boil as you got angry. "You don't know anything about my life. You don't know what I have survived to get here." you said starting to hear Meredith trying to calm you down.

"Well why don't you share with the class, princess." Amelia snarked trying to push your buttons you could here Derek trying to stop Amelia.

"no, I don't need everyone here knowing my business" you said trying to stay calm. "Just like I thought princess had a perfect life while the rest of us ate shit for years" she yelled as everyone else watched speechless.

"Fuck you bitch." You said before walking out and to the bathroom down the hall. You slammed the door of the bathroom and threw some water on your face relieving all the bad memories from your home in Oregon. You collected yourself, took a deep breath and headed towards the conference room. Everyone watched as you walked in and sat down as if nothing happened before they continued to talk about the patient and how it would last a few days. "The next few days are going to be long" you thought to yourself and went back to listening to the group.

Word count:1391

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